
plenty of raw talent that needs refinement ... he could also use a better kicking game.

time to pull Locky out of the boardroom to work with Dearden. unlike our million dollar baby, he'll accept Lockyers help and advice

How the hell is it even optional? Milford you’re working one on one with Locky until further notice...

Next problem?
He rarely drops the ball, he rarely makes bad misses in defence either, especially when you look at the amount of work we force him to do every week.
I respectfully disagree. That's ok isn't it? Or does everyone have to have the same opinion? I know he is your favourite but you must admit at least some of the thing I wrote are true. But if you don't that is fine too.
I respectfully disagree. That's ok isn't it? Or does everyone have to have the same opinion? I know he is your favourite but you must admit at least some of the thing I wrote are true. But if you don't that is fine too.
Not talking about Wolfie specifically but sometimes I feel like people want this place to be an echo chamber. Anyone with any sort of outside opinion automatically gets labelled a troll.... even if they’ve been shown to be right in the past
I like to keep on open mind and share my opinion without needing to try to argue or disagree with the opinion of others who may have different perspective or even more knowledge on the game than I. I try to learn from and consider the contributions of others no matter how braindead and / or outlandish they seem.

HOWEVER, if you can't see that Dearden is a fantastic young talent... you have rocks in your head and you need to give up rugby league and maybe start following Badminton or something.

This kid is special. We should all be getting behind him and hope this dumpster fire of a board doesn't find a way to ruin him.
Seems to give away a lot of penalties/repeat sets but if he gets that out of his game he’ll go good.
I think he absolutely deserves some latitude for the discipline stuff given how much work he's getting through and the revolving door of poor quality middle defenders he's had to help him out for most of the year.

I think when he's getting better assistance and isn't always under such enormous pressure defensively that the discipline side of things will improve significantly.
Yep big motor but is it. No offload, can't run a decent line and pretty average in defence at best. Oh yeah and runs sideways and wastes a tackle and there is a good chance he will drop the ball anyway. Yet he might be a star in the making but he is not all that and a packet of Smith crisps just yet.
Take your points on board, been a long season for both Pat and Payne Haas when they are generally asked to play 80 minutes in the engine room and are both very young, they will grow up a lot when they reflect on this season and they will be a older, wiser and more experienced come the start of next season, you can't teach experience and you can't question their work ethic, some of their decisions maybe, but not work ethic, hopefully the club finds a hard head or two to teach them the things you reckon they lack and, add a bit of mongrel and attitude as well.
Take your points on board, been a long season for both Pat and Payne Haas when they are generally asked to play 80 minutes in the engine room and are both very young, they will grow up a lot when they reflect on this season and they will be a older, wiser and more experienced come the start of next season, you can't teach experience and you can't question their work ethic, some of their decisions maybe, but not work ethic, hopefully the club finds a hard head or two to teach them the things you reckon they lack and, add a bit of mongrel and attitude as well.
Your a very clever bloke. Must be because you're a fisherman.
I like to keep on open mind and share my opinion without needing to try to argue or disagree with the opinion of others who may have different perspective or even more knowledge on the game than I. I try to learn from and consider the contributions of others no matter how braindead and / or outlandish they seem.

HOWEVER, if you can't see that Dearden is a fantastic young talent... you have rocks in your head and you need to give up rugby league and maybe start following Badminton or something.

This kid is special. We should all be getting behind him and hope this dumpster fire of a board doesn't find a way to ruin him.
I sure every true Broncos supporter is behind him, as they are with everyone who puts on the jersey and show enthusiasm and effort.
Congrats to Tommy. A victim of the White/Seibold era that was further impacted by Kev’s understandably chaotic start to the gig.

Hope he kills it tonight and although I’ll never admit my soft spot for the cowboys ever again, it’s good to see him playing well after the ugly start to his career. He really could’ve ended up another Brookes type who gets blamed for all and constantly pummelled by the press.

Always been a big fan of Tommy on here and am delighted he's managed to make good on his talent. It was a tough ask for him to be tasked with turning around a dumpster fire at age 19, he needed the change of scenery and needed to be given time to develop alongside a senior half in The Chad. I wonder how he would've gone alongside Reynolds (not that Mam is doing badly, on the contrary)?

Macktown represent!!
Really good kid who is playing in a great system now, really happy for him. He never bad mouthed the Broncs on the way out other than to say he never received an offer and if he had, would have stayed. Nothing wrong with that whether it is true or not.

That said, I think Mam has a higher ceiling, so we've done alright out of it. If Mam wasn't coming through though, I think losing Tommy would hurt a lot given how well he is going.