Drugs in sport - government investigation

ASADA want a public scalp so will be named but maybe not for a few weeks unless a journo runs with the story earlier
The difficulty I find with this whole debate is the baseline ethics involved are completely arbitrary.

It's OK to sit on the sidelines and ingest cans of Red Bull to improve your alertness and performance but because a governing body determines that [insert x] is banned, you cannot sit on the sideline and inject it. It might be OK to use [insert x] if you are not a professional sports person.

You can't expect any player to know the banned substances. I doubt most GPs would know. So who would be the experts? The club doctors prescribing you the drugs.
The difficulty I find with this whole debate is the baseline ethics involved are completely arbitrary.

It's OK to sit on the sidelines and ingest cans of Red Bull to improve your alertness and performance but because a governing body determines that [insert x] is banned, you cannot sit on the sideline and inject it. It might be OK to use [insert x] if you are not a professional sports person.

You can't expect any player to know the banned substances. I doubt most GPs would know. So who would be the experts? The club doctors prescribing you the drugs.

But the point is the players know its not good enough to claim ignorance, they HAVE to know what goes into their bodies
"You're free to take independent medical and legal advice, but if you refuse to comply with the club direction it will be taken as insubordination and grounds for dissmissal?"

In other words, PG13:"Just fuckin take it ya sook or I'll gouge your stitches out"
And yes, that's a problem. But as I keep saying, how else can they do it? If they didn't leave the onus with the athlete then you would just have a situation where club/athlete doctors simply inject whatever the hell they like and the athlete just has to not ask. "I assumed my hired doctors would be complying with the doping rules"..."oh well, that's ok, keep your 7 tour de france titles..."

You can say that's not fair, but you know what, who cares. It's the only way it'll work. Other than allowing open slather on performance enhancing drugs...which is often suggested as the easier way to remove the ambiguity. Also a good way to price poorer clubs/athletes/countries out of sport, but oh well...