Didn't it all start in Vegas just a thought
He was bad before monkeygate. Remember the lollipop he threw to Manu that was not even remotely NRL standard. From there he revoked his own passing licence and took hitups for the rest of the season.
I'm all for giving anyone a second chance ... and it's not like he is a repeat offender, this is his first off-field incident.

unfortunately like your tactics on the field taking the moral high-ground for off-field incidents is doomed for failure on the field.

Zero tolerance doesn't work in the NRL, as the NRL don't back clubs stances. if we sack Mam, it'll take him about 5 minutes to find another club. advantage rival club!

give him a decent penalty (fines / suspension) but keep him out of the hands of our rivals. of course if he was a repeat offender or becomes a repeat offender, then that's a different story
Blaming the NRL is a cop out. It's completely up to the Broncos. If the allegations are true Is it worth sacking him? I'd say yes, 100%, and it'd send a terrible message if he's retained.
Looking at the video, I reckon he was turning into whatever that shop was and probably distracted.

Taking odds the hospital test will show he has some in system but not enough to be an impairment
How about the innocent Uber Driver losing his income and car, the family inside it including a small child to hospital. Mam will have no insurance, unlicenced, failed drug test. Fies /Penalties will never be paid by him Broncs "Slush Fund"bails them out every time. l They will cry rehabilitatiom for him. Precedents already exist at Broncs for bad behavior , even in Bali.
Hmm totes
I’m down with bio hacking, naturally..
Get rid of that

Im hearing ya, is an option.

Ezra is a gun, but so was milf..

F*** it, broncs have been letting these dudes get away with shit and giving second chances for years..

I’m down for drawing the line and making an Example..
Break up what seems to be a bit of a toxic leadership environment..

If Ezra gets the ass then there is still the same opportunity for him to learn and grow and have a good life at another club, no harm done..
Didn't Wayne do similar with Dane Gagai when he was a youngster? Got rid of him tor multiple stuff ups. Worked out well for Dane.
He was bad before monkeygate. Remember the lollipop he threw to Manu that was not even remotely NRL standard. From there he revoked his own passing licence and took hitups for the rest of the season.

Yeah , the one where Pat Carrigann was playing 2nd row and mis timed his run ?
That one ?
The one thing with Mam is could this be our opportunity to draw a line in the sand with these blokes. Yes, we will lose a potentially very good player, but we also send a message that we expect certain standards from our players.
Nothing like a public execution to scare the boys straight.
No fucking off and acting like we’ve won 4 in a row. That was Penriff thanks to the team’s inability to close out a football match. So fire him into the sun, make an example and see how wants to be a Bronco.
Remember when Ian Lacey got punted for doing some dumb shit? It was him and some other muppet if I remember correctly?!
him and john te reo assaulted some dude when out on the drink IIRC.
This is what I mean…
Acting like a dumb ****, where other people get hurt.
Forget the drugs, bad enough to begin with, but you are unlicensed. Why the **** are you driving????
I think to be a broncos from now on you need to pass a iq test
If our 5/8 is this dumb no wonder why were a dumb team
This team of player have won nothing

If I done this I wouldn’t have a job

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