how do you get a license suspension when you are unlicensed in the first place? Bit of a joke really.

Surely QLD legal system isnt that incompetent.
I doubt a company would pay though if you were unlicensed and on drugs.
Yes that's my point he will be liable for all costs out of his pocket. Especially the girl with the hip problems. Although I would have guess being in the back seat, one presumes with a seat belt on, should be limited.
how do you get a license suspension when you are unlicensed in the first place? Bit of a joke really.

Surely QLD legal system isnt that incompetent.
Not a licence suspension, it's a disqualification from driving.

The main difference between a license suspension and a license disqualification is who imposes the penalty and how long the driver is unable to drive:
License suspension
The police or Qld Trans impose a suspension for a set period of time. A suspension can be for a number of reasons, including unpaid fines, excessive demerit points, or speeding. Once the suspension period ends, the license is automatically reinstated.
License disqualification
A court imposes a disqualification as part of a sentence for a traffic offense. A disqualification means the driver is not allowed to drive or apply for a new license for a set period of time. The court must reinstate the license after the disqualification period ends.
A disqualification is more serious than a suspension and can have more severe consequences. For example, driving while disqualified can result in imprisonment.
In Queensland, a driver convicted of driving while suspended or disqualified may face additional penalties, including:
A minimum of two years disqualification, plus up to five additional years
A fine of over $6,000
Up to 18 months in prison
I doubt a company would pay though if you were unlicensed and on drugs.
Doesn't matter, it's the car that's covered as long as it was registered, which it was.
The damage to the cars will most likely be on Ezra, although driving with alcohol in your system but deemed to not be under the influence is a discretionary call by the Ins company. I have no idea if it's the same for drugs in the system but not under the influence.
Prob deserves to be on the wrong side of that IMO or he gets off really easy, pending the NRL penalty that is.
With the lack of "real world" punishment I am concerned that this may not end up being the kick in the ass ezra needed to sort himself out.

Yes he will be suspended and receive a big fine, but his job is safe and he is still being paid big money.
Reports say that he had a cocktail of drugs in his system including coke. Geez how stupid do you have to be, to then decide to still get in a car to drive.

Qld legal system has done a shit job. Hopefully the NRL takes a more appropriate stance.
Trindall is a reasonably close comparison although nobody was injured.
Ezra prob looking at 6 weeks based on that.
I can't find anything regarding an NRL fine.

Braydon Trindall, a playmaker for the Cronulla Sharks in the NRL, paid a $1,100 court-ordered fine for a drink-driving and drug-related incident:
Incident: In April 2024, Trindall was pulled over by police and tested positive for recreational drugs and had a mid-range blood alcohol reading of 0.125. He was also driving with an expired license.
Penalty: Trindall was fined and disqualified from driving for three months. He also missed more than a month of play, with the NRL including the time between the incident and his court appearance in his penalty.
Reports say that he had a cocktail of drugs in his system including coke. Geez how stupid do you have to be, to then decide to still get in a car to drive.

Qld legal system has done a shit job. Hopefully the NRL takes a more appropriate stance.
The other drugs were anti inflammatory and paracetamol but cocktail of drugs sounds so much worse.
The magistrate also apparently said “the other parties could have been injured or killed”. This implies that nobody was injured. Have to question the validity of the broken hip statement at this point.

Was just about to post this, basically confirms my suspicions that the mother was full of it.

Judge wouldn't be saying that if the kid had a broken hip and the mother had a broken & dislocated tailbone, like she's claiming.
If you get caught on mobile phone in Qld whilst driving you get a 1200 fine. Might as well just have some illicit drugs in your system, then decide to take the car for a spin (whilst unlicensed ofcourse). Itll just be a roulette spin whether you get into a car accident, hurt or skill someone or not. But atleast the penalty imposed by the joke of the state would be less.

So did the magistrate get a season pass for 2025 or not?
Just yet another fine example of how big a shitcunt the RL media is.......
Just watched a Ch 7 report which stated he was "under the influence" of drugs including cocaine and other substances and his 4 mill dollar contract was now on the line.
Just **** heads. The club should be calling this shit out but I suspect they just want it to die ASAP.
Mate, with respect, look it up yourself.
I have, couldnt find it. I have read that he had 'illicit substanceS including cocaine' though. So wondering if you actually know, or are quoting a report or just making stuff up, respectfully.
I have, couldnt find it. I have read that he had 'illicit substanceS including cocaine' though. So wondering if you actually know, or are quoting a report or just making stuff up, respectfully.
"Having made that stupid decision
to get behind the wheel of the car, as
well as use illicit substances as well ...
a cocktail of cocaine and other matters
that were found in your blood on this

At SO many levels you are fortunate
to stand where you are today
could have been injured or killed, or
the other persons could have been
injured or killed,

"There's no place for illicit drugs in
our community, and there's certainly
no place for a person who is using
illicit drugs to get behind the wheel of
a car.

"You've got to learn from this."

The Courier-Mail understands the
other drugs present in the blood
analysis were anti-inflammatories
and paracetamol Mam received at the

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