So instead of just winding the clock down with no time left with a penalty goal.
Wynnum decide to take a quick tap and go for the try.
Thankfully Buckett finds Bowie on the half volley and he scores in the corner to rub some salt into the Jets wounds.
Now Granville converts from the sideline. Why didn't we hand him the boot?!
34-22 Seagulls but it was anybody's game until the strip from the Seagulls which gifted them the opportunity to take it from the Jets.
With that we say goodbye to Ipswich for 2014.
And one of the better stories in Rugby League. The Walker Bros. have generated a lot of hype amongst the Queensland Rugby League community with their innovative and fast-paced style of footy. Hopefully they can keep it up in 2015.
Meanwhile Easts meet Wynnum once again in the Grand Final Qualifyer in what should be a beauty.