Four Nations Finals Discussion..

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Jeba said:
Wasn't a deliberate kick with the knee. It's a knock on every day of the week.
show me in the definition of 'kick' where it says it has to be deliberate icon_thumbs_u

Big Pete said:
Who cares if it's a knock on or not? Are we judging whether Archer had a good game or not?

Fact is Slater dropped an easy bomb any decent fullback would've taken at a pivotal moment, if Slater does his job Archer doesn't have to do his. (and thank goodness for that).
umm i care if its a knock-on and so should you, since youre judging him on it! if its CORRECTLY ruled play on then Slater and Australia keep possession. then we wouldnt even be discussing it.

and youre saying that every single other fullback has never dropped a simple bomb at a pivotal moment in the history of the game? what a complete and utter joke you are. im honestly gobsmacked at just how far youll go to try and put down one of the greatest fullbacks youll ever see play the game.
Boyd wouldn't have dropped that bomb, nor would he have been caught out of position on the nightingale try... Some players just don't handle pressure and it is sad that Slater is one of those players. Hate to see how Slater would go in Origin if we were struggling like the Blues are.
Darius did knock on that kick in the game last week, albeit it was a much more difficult take and the game was well and truly over...instead of being in the balance.
Hunt wouldn't have dropped that... icon_thumbs_u
m1c - [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1.

since I posted all those emoticons you're right.
Anonymous person said:
Jeba said:
Wasn't a deliberate kick with the knee. It's a knock on every day of the week.
show me in the definition of 'kick' where it says it has to be deliberate icon_thumbs_u

"means imparting motion to the ball with any part of the
leg (except the heel) from knee to toe inclusive"

Idiot. Anyone who watches and knows Rugby League knows that's a knock on.
Why does there seem to be so much hate for Slater on these forums?
I didn't see the game and my digital recorder failed - but it sounds like I didn't miss out.

All I know is my bro was sitting right where that forward pass was thrown and he said it was the biggest forward pass he's seen in his life.

And for the record I love Billy Slater heaps, it sounds like he didn't have his best game. Can't understand why admitting that a player didn't play well is labelled being a "hater". No-one has said he's a crappy player from what I can read and shouldn't be in the team. [icon_shru Don' tknow why AP is so upset? It's pretty boring reading tbh.
Jeba said:
Anonymous person said:
Jeba said:
Wasn't a deliberate kick with the knee. It's a knock on every day of the week.
show me in the definition of 'kick' where it says it has to be deliberate icon_thumbs_u

"means imparting motion to the ball with any part of the
leg (except the heel) from knee to toe inclusive"

Idiot. Anyone who watches and knows Rugby League knows that's a knock on.

actually, no, anyone who ACTUALLY knows rugby league knows that its NOT a knock-on.

again, please show me in that definition where it says the word DELIBERATE. 'imparting' does not mean deliberate.

mrslong said:
And for the record I love Billy Slater heaps, it sounds like he didn't have his best game. Can't understand why admitting that a player didn't play well is labelled being a "hater". No-one has said he's a crappy player from what I can read and shouldn't be in the team. [icon_shru Don' tknow why AP is so upset? It's pretty boring reading tbh.
im not upset, im just astounded and annoyed by the sheer stupidity of some people.

Slater didnt have his best game - no duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. but he didnt play BADLY. the reasons people are saying he played badly are:

- he knocked on from a bomb.
- he didnt field a grubber that NZ scored from
- he got caught in goal while waiting for a ball to go dead

but when you actually look at those reasons, not a single one of them is actually something that youd say means he had a bad game.

1. he didnt actually knock-on, the referee made an incorrect decision.
2. he didnt field the grubber because Tuqiri should have. Tuqiri was the closest to the ball, and for some unknown reason just ran away from it and let the NZ player run across IN FRONT of him to score.
3. he got an absolutely terrible bounce. the ball was well on its way to the dead ball line, when it just bounced awkwardly directly up like 3m in the air. 9 times out of 10 it wouldve gone out, it was just a very lucky bounce for NZ.

and even then, no points came off his knock-on, and no points came off him getting caught in goals.

and having said all that, he played no worse than 16 other aussies on the team - yet hes basically the only one getting singled out. funny that.
i just dont get why everyone is carrying on about slater dropping the bomb :S.

players drop balls all the time, from much easier passes / kicks. hell, even lockyer wasnt mistake free in his time at fullback. why? BECAUSE EVERYONE MAKES MISTAKES. for the fuckwits saying boyd wouldnt have dropped it... how do we know that? he might have! he might have dropped the one before that instead. or he mightve caught all of them but dropped a pass. would we be carrying on about that? no, coz its not slater. tall poppy syndrome at its finest.

maybe we should ask why lockyer couldnt handle the ball when nightingale threw it back inside and he got his hands on it? oh no wait, its not slater.
i just dont get why everyone is carrying on about slater dropping the bomb :S.

players drop balls all the time, from much easier passes / kicks. hell, even lockyer wasnt mistake free in his time at fullback. why? BECAUSE EVERYONE MAKES MISTAKES. for the **** saying boyd wouldnt have dropped it... how do we know that? he might have! he might have dropped the one before that instead. or he mightve caught all of them but dropped a pass. would we be carrying on about that? no, coz its not slater. tall poppy syndrome at its finest.

maybe we should ask why lockyer couldnt handle the ball when nightingale threw it back inside and he got his hands on it? oh no wait, its not slater.

I don't care that he dropped it, just baffled as to how anyone could think it wasn't a knock on.
i just dont get why everyone is carrying on about slater dropping the bomb :S.

players drop balls all the time, from much easier passes / kicks. hell, even lockyer wasnt mistake free in his time at fullback. why? BECAUSE EVERYONE MAKES MISTAKES. for the **** saying boyd wouldnt have dropped it... how do we know that? he might have! he might have dropped the one before that instead. or he mightve caught all of them but dropped a pass. would we be carrying on about that? no, coz its not slater. tall poppy syndrome at its finest.

maybe we should ask why lockyer couldnt handle the ball when nightingale threw it back inside and he got his hands on it? oh no wait, its not slater.
I admire Slater, and believe that he is without a doubt the best fullback in the game currently.

Everybody makes mistakes, but dropping that one bomb was only one of them. In this game, he strung a succession of mistakes that are unlike a player of his calibre, from butchering a certain try with a pass to row 20, to bad defensive reads and nonchalance/laziness on a kick return, where he could have easily fielded the ball BEFORE that bad bounce.
These are the type of mistakes “Stayne” does, which is why I don’t consider him a good FB.

Is Billy the sole responsible for the defeat? Far from that! Sheens and Archer definitely bear the brunt of that.

Regarding Lockyer, read the thread. Although I believe he hardly could have done better under the circumstances, many people criticised his performance.
But when it comes to Slater, maybe you and AP should get together (if you’re not one and the same), and defend him rightly or wrongly till exhaustion, or just accept that he screwed up… [icon_shru

Like MrsLong said, this is getting tiresome and boring. :roll:
audragon said:
i just dont get why everyone is carrying on about slater dropping the bomb :S.

players drop balls all the time, from much easier passes / kicks. hell, even lockyer wasnt mistake free in his time at fullback. why? BECAUSE EVERYONE MAKES MISTAKES. for the **** saying boyd wouldnt have dropped it... how do we know that? he might have! he might have dropped the one before that instead. or he mightve caught all of them but dropped a pass. would we be carrying on about that? no, coz its not slater. tall poppy syndrome at its finest.

maybe we should ask why lockyer couldnt handle the ball when nightingale threw it back inside and he got his hands on it? oh no wait, its not slater.
I admire Slater, and believe that he is without a doubt the best fullback in the game currently.

Everybody makes mistakes, but dropping that one bomb was only one of them. In this game, he strung a succession of mistakes that are unlike a player of his calibre, from butchering a certain try with a pass to row 20, to bad defensive reads and nonchalance/laziness on a kick return, where he could have easily fielded the ball BEFORE that bad bounce.
These are the type of mistakes “Stayne” does, which is why I don’t consider him a good FB.

Is Billy the sole responsible for the defeat? Far from that! Sheens and Archer definitely bear the brunt of that.

Regarding Lockyer, read the thread. Although I believe he hardly could have done better under the circumstances, many people criticised his performance.
But when it comes to Slater, maybe you and AP should get together (if you’re not one and the same), and defend him rightly or wrongly till exhaustion, or just accept that he screwed up… [icon_shru

Like MrsLong said, this is getting tiresome and boring. :roll:

no shit he screwed up! but you guys are carrying on like he killed ur mum, when he just dropped a fucking ball or 2. get over it and move on. its not as if he passed the ball to the opposition in goals and they scored a try. its not as if he head highed someone and got sent off. they were just simple mistakes ANYONE could make. im glad u guys arent coaches or selectors or we wouldnt have any players play more than 2 games before they get dropped for fumbling a pass. he didnt play over the top orsm, nor did he play dreadfully. neither did anyone in the green and gold. but to say he chokes at big games is just laughable, he was arguably our best player all origin series, and thats proof enough
I thought Slater was man of the match I don't know what some of you are going on about.....
audragon said:
Everybody makes mistakes, but dropping that one bomb was only one of them. In this game, he strung a succession of mistakes that are unlike a player of his calibre, from butchering a certain try with a pass to row 20, to bad defensive reads and nonchalance/laziness on a kick return, where he could have easily fielded the ball BEFORE that bad bounce.
These are the type of mistakes “Stayne” does, which is why I don’t consider him a good FB.
lol a 'succession of mistakes'? seriously?

he didnt butcher a certain try with that pass. just because if you get the guy the ball he scores a try doesnt mean you butcher it if you dont get him the ball. he had to throw it up over a defender who was playing at the ball, with only a few metres of space to do it in. every tackle that you dont score on isnt 'butchering' a try.

your 'bad defensive read' has already been discussed, and it was not a bad defensive read. when your winger is closer to the ball, and should get it, its his ball. its not a bad defensive read, its trusting your teammate will do his job. when Hodges threw a wild pass to someone in that origin game resulting in a try to NSW, did you blame the guy he threw it at for not catching it? no, you blame the guy who threw it. same here - you dont blame the guy who was 5m+ from the ball for not picking it up, you blame the guy whos right next to it and didnt pick it up - hes the one who made the mistake.

and there was no laziness or nonchalance in the kick return - he was shadowing it while it was heading over the deadball line so we would get a 20m restart. like ive said a million times, he got an absolutely dreadful bounce that made it stay in the field of play. could he have picked it up and run it back? sure. was it the wrong thing to do in waiting for it to go dead? not at all. it was a calculated risk, and the risk is generally very VERY small when the ball is travelling at the speed that it was.

you seem to be taking this as me 'defending' Slater - im not defending slater, im just defending freaking common sense. blaming someone for someone elses mistakes is stupid, doesnt matter who the player is. it could be darren lockyer or freaking steve michaels for all i care - im just against people making stupid statements and saying something was a 'bad play' when it wasnt. but of course if it was lockyer or steve michaels, you people wouldnt be saying these things, so its a moot point i suppose.

Jeba said:
I don't care that he dropped it, just baffled as to how anyone could think it wasn't a knock on.
do we need to pull out the rulebook again to prove to you that it wasnt?
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