By that same token, after the 1995 series win Vautin was obviously the coaching GOAT?
Meanwhile, Bellamy with zero series wins, is an absolute spud of a coach?
What Bennett (don’t forget the roles Meninga and Henry played too though) achieved with this Maroons team is a fantastic achievement, truly one for the annals. But as with Vautin and Bellamy, to look at it in isolation is narrow-minded and frankly, agenda driven.
The fact remains, when it comes to winning the NRL’s big dance, Bennett’s record over the last decade is 0-10, it really is that simple.
That’s not to say Seibold wasn’t a monumental failure either, because he absolutely was. But it truly is tiring, more than 2 years later, reading the same old, sliding doors shit.
It’s like saying ‘if only we’d signed Cameron Smith instead of Richard Swain we’d have won at least 5 more premierships’.
It’s purely hypothetical, utterly nonsensical and a massive waste of time.