OFFICIAL Game III Queensland Side

Big Pete

Big Pete

International Captain
Mar 12, 2008
XXXX Maroons
Will Chambers - Melbourne Storm
Gavin Cooper - North Queensland Cowboys
Cooper Cronk - Melbourne Storm
Dane Gagai - Newcastle Knights
Matt Gillett - Brisbane Broncos
Tim Glasby - Melbourne Storm
Coen Hess - North Queensland Cowboys
Valentine Holmes - Cronulla Sharks
Ben Hunt - Brisbane Broncos
Josh McGuire - Brisbane Broncos
Michael Morgan - North Queensland Cowboys
Cameron Munster - Melbourne Storm
Dylan Napa - Sydney Roosters
Josh Papalii - Canberra Raiders
Billy Slater - Melbourne Storm
Cameron Smith (c) - Melbourne Storm
Jarrod Wallace - Gold Coast Titans
Super Freak

Super Freak

International Captain
Forum Staff
Jan 25, 2014
1. Billy Slater
2. Valentine Holmes
3. Cameron Munster
4. Will Chambers
5. Dane Gagai
6. Michael Morgan
7. Cooper Cronk
8. Dylan Napa
9. Cameron Smith (c)
10. Jarrod Wallace
11. Gavin Cooper
12. Matt Gillett
13. Josh McGuire

14. Ben Hunt
15. Coen Hess
16. Josh Papalii
17. Tim Glasby

We all know that's what the side is going to be. What's the point of not naming it?


International Captain
Senior Staff
Feb 27, 2010
Munster may well be the 5/8 and Morgan the centre.

I know Hunt doesn't deserve the call-up given his form, but this means we won't have Boyd either, and Ben is a better utility choice than DCE.

Regardless, the writing is on the wall for the little bitch from Brookvale, and no matter how much the Qld camp denies it publicly, almost no one in the group wants him there.


State of Origin Rep
Dec 4, 2013
Will Hunt even make the starting side when he comes back to the Bronx? Milford is probably gone until r20, but Hunt still mightn't make the run on side.

That should highlight just how bad his selection is.


NRL Player
Apr 14, 2013
Well there goes winning Origin this year. I really hope I'm wrong as very few things make me happier than winning Origin but I don't think so.
As a previous poster said if we lose this series a large chunk of the blame has to go to the selectors for some poor choices in game 1 and now snubbing DCE for Hunt.
I don't care if DCE is the stinkiest fucker going around in the NRL. He is currently running rings in his sleep around Hunt and deserves to be picked. He plays left side and has a great left foot kick so would be a great sub for Thurston.
I don't like the guy either but not picking him because of some perceived selfishness or the rubbish that he knew all along he wasn't going to the Titans is just stupid.
Nothing matters except putting the best possible team on the park to beat NSW especially when we at missing our talisman.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Well there goes winning Origin this year

you really think a bench utility that will likely have little game time will cost QLD the series? if so, you must have a poor opinion of the rest of the QLD side


NRL Player
Sep 16, 2016
Oh god. Hunt vs Pearce. (When Morgan is resting)

Many brain cells are going to be lost watching this match.

It's gonna come down to those 2 players. One of them is gonna throw the match away. However Pearce is the veteran at doing that.
Super Freak

Super Freak

International Captain
Forum Staff
Jan 25, 2014
Hunt was great for Australia off the bench. He was a turning point whenever he came on and his impact off the bench almost won us the Four Nations.

The role Hunt would have is one where he would thrive. He isn't there to control anything, isn't there to do any of the kicking or game management, he is just there to provide a bit of spark off the bench which is something he can do well despite his form against the Storm.

DCE killed his chances with a run of bad performances so now they are moving on to the next guy, who would have been Milford if he wasn't injured.
Super Freak

Super Freak

International Captain
Forum Staff
Jan 25, 2014
Oh god. Hunt vs Pearce. (When Morgan is resting)

Many brain cells are going to be lost watching this match.

It's gonna come down to those 2 players. One of them is gonna throw the match away. However Pearce is the veteran at doing that.

I have faith in Hunt going up against Pearce.

He has showed him up almost every time he has played against him.

Besides, I doubt Hunt will be replacing anyone in the halves.


State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2008
Hopefully Hunt does his job, Qld win and he gets his 2015 mojo back


NRL Captain
Sep 27, 2016
Oh god. Hunt vs Pearce. (When Morgan is resting)

Many brain cells are going to be lost watching this match.

It's gonna come down to those 2 players. One of them is gonna throw the match away. However Pearce is the veteran at doing that.
Do you really think Hunt will have that sort of influence in the match? He will play 15 mins at the most if any at all and it won't be in the halves.


QCup Player
Jun 27, 2014
Hunt was great for Australia off the bench. He was a turning point whenever he came on and his impact off the bench almost won us the Four Nations.

The role Hunt would have is one where he would thrive. He isn't there to control anything, isn't there to do any of the kicking or game management, he is just there to provide a bit of spark off the bench which is something he can do well despite his form against the Storm.

DCE killed his chances with a run of bad performances so now they are moving on to the next guy, who would have been Milford if he wasn't injured.

Exactly this. Hunt just has to come on and provide energy from dummy half.

I do feel for Milf. Cause he would most likely have been picked if fit and probably cemented his place in the 17 going forward. Now when next series rolls around we have the same situation of tossing around 4-5 different combos in the halves/utility roll.

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