Hayne out of Origin?

broncospwn said:
That article is down.. What was it about?
Did the ARL really change the rules hours before the judiciary trial?

http://www.foxsports.com.au/story/0,865 ... 66,00.html

The NRL will ask judiciary chairman Paul Conlon for a please explain after his decision to make a late change to the judge's directions contributed to the exoneration of Jarryd Hayne.

In delivering his directions to the judiciary's three-man panel on Tuesday night, Conlon said they needed to be satisfied Hayne had intended to cause considerable pain or injury when he headbutted Melbourne and Queensland fullback Billy Slater.

For seven years, under the watch of match review commissioner Greg McCallum, the judge's directions have simply stated the accused only had to cause discomfort
THE distinct lack of outrage after Jarryd Hayne got off a headbutt charge to play in next week's Origin says a fair bit about Queensland's mindset at the moment.

There was a time when such farcical proceedings would have had the Maroons camp and the state's fans hopping mad and screaming blue murder.

Now it seems that the only thing that would have surprised them was if Hayne had actually been rubbed out - as of course he should have been.

Last week, some Sydney newspapers dedicated three entire pages to attacking the "outrageous" decision to let Queensland halfback Johnathan Thurston off a trumped-up detrimental conduct charge. This after he dropped some naughty words when expressing his disappointment to a referee following what he deemed a string of contentious calls that cost the Cowboys victory against Manly.

The southern critics wanted Thurston hanged, drawn and quartered. They insisted his actions would see kiddies everywhere lining up to abuse match officials.

http://www.couriermail.com.au/sport/nrl ... 5878127118
Exactly - the point being that judiciary proceedings have been rigged in NSW's favour for so long, most of Qld just don't see the point in wasting our energy any more
Flutterby said:
Exactly - the point being that judiciary proceedings have been rigged in NSW's favour for so long, most of Qld just don't see the point in wasting our energy any more

what actually surprised me is that Slater got off too. I expected Hayne to get off and Slater to be suspended
The Rock said:
Alll I'm hearing is WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH.

you do a great impersonation of Geoff Carr [icon_lol1.