Howard approached to run the game

Actually, that is not such a bad suggestion Flutter, someone with a successful business background would be ideal, not necessarily just Singo. Steve I also disagree that Howard is too old, the only concern I have with him is that I think it would be good to get someone into the role that was willing to commit for 4-5 years, so we get some consistency in operation. I just don't know if Howard would be prepared for that sort of commitment.
Well., until we know, I guess we can stop with the too old shit?

Just because he's at retirement age, doesn't mean he has to, or wants to retire.
Although I largely agreed with a lot of Howards decisions ( tax reform, boat people, gst ) I hated his attitude to the working was his senile call that lost them government. league is a working class game, union for the educated twats and gayfl for those who don't like contact sports(tongue in cheek) !! Howard for me...he's lost the ability to feel the peoples needs...I'd say no.
Fozz said:
Plus the Sharks will never get a shot at the big time.

Meh, its not like that will matter anytime in the future is it [icon_lol1.
Too all the people who say Howard is too old, what do you have to say to Frank Lowy and the work he has done with Football Australia? He is a clear example of what strong business acumen and passion can bring to a sport. Whether Howard is capable of having the same effect is difficult to tell, but it's certainly a worthwhile idea that should be explored beyond the notion that "he's too old".
My issue was not that he was too old (never said that) but that he is old school footy wise. In this era yes we need people with great business acumen (Howard has not got that IMO), but we need people who are up with what people want, will listen to the people ie. fans and have vision for the game.

For mine that person in the game at the moment is the Bulldogs CEO, Todd Greenburg.
That's not the job they need him to do tho Russo. I think he's (or whoever they appoint) there to kick heads and work out a way to bring the administrative bodies together finally under a new umbrella and to stop News Ltd selling the game to Fox for less than it's worth.
Yep someone who isn't afraid to make tough decisions. ... -gnkv.html

An excellent article which touches on some of the challenges the AFL faced when it introduced its independent commission. Our game will eventually need to reduce the number of teams in Sydney. But it's a tribal game so does anyone think they'll go quietly?
Huge. said:
Although I largely agreed with a lot of Howards decisions ( tax reform, boat people, gst ) I hated his attitude to the working was his senile call that lost them government. league is a working class game, union for the educated twats and gayfl for those who don't like contact sports(tongue in cheek) !! Howard for me...he's lost the ability to feel the peoples needs...I'd say no.

League vs. Running a Country.

Doesn't really compete, and his love or hate in his position should not come into this. Admit it or not, he made the tough decision when they were needed to be made.

That's what the league needs, not a nuffy like Gallop.
Howard only needed 11 years to wreck Australia, how long would he take to kill RL?
Nashy said:
Huge. said:
Although I largely agreed with a lot of Howards decisions ( tax reform, boat people, gst ) I hated his attitude to the working was his senile call that lost them government. league is a working class game, union for the educated twats and gayfl for those who don't like contact sports(tongue in cheek) !! Howard for me...he's lost the ability to feel the peoples needs...I'd say no.

League vs. Running a Country.

Doesn't really compete, and his love or hate in his position should not come into this. Admit it or not, he made the tough decision when they were needed to be made.

That's what the league needs, not a nuffy like Gallop.
x1000. David Gallop is a terrible CEO and every year he remains, the game is worse for it.
Howard, a total masterstroke. He has a proven ability to bring people together and create a winning management team. He has connections at the highest levels and he is a sports made nut. He would be there to lead and to bring the factions together, not to think up all the ideas. Great choice!!
Astroboy said:
Howard only needed 11 years to wreck Australia, how long would he take to kill RL?

Wankers wreck this country, not Howard.
Not to mention the publicity this is/will generate
Astroboy said:
Howard only needed 11 years to wreck Australia, how long would he take to kill RL?

I don't want to derail this topic as a political debate, but suggesting Howard "wrecked" Australia is pretty **** stupid mate.

I think Howard would give it a good shake up but I'm not sure he's exactly what Rugby League needs. But as Steve said, it's exciting nonetheless to see intentions of change emerging.
Burg said:
He has a proven ability to bring people together

Are you kidding? Howard was one of the most divisive Prime Ministers this country has ever had! A lot of people loved him and a lot of people hated him.