I hate the media!

Agree neither the girl or the media should have brought this up 7 years after the incident, seems to me that with a couple of weekends in a row with no current footballers giving them anything off-field to report on (maybe the players are learning), they have to trawl back through history to try and bring the game down. Call my cynical, but one has to wonder why she has come to the Australian media after so long, is she just after money? Interesting how she says there was a group of them but the only one she can remember for sure is Matthew Johns - is that perhaps because he is the only one the players involved that still has any kind of profile and/or money?

I am no fan of Johns, but it is completely wrong after so long - it was dealt with at the time and should be left alone. I feel most sorry for his wife and family, they've already gone through a lot 7 years ago dealing with this (I assume they knew considering there was a police investigation), now they have to go through it all again.
According to the radio it left her metally wounded. She's a head case after a bit of cash.
If this had recently happened, ala Brett Stewart by all means she has a right to do what shes doing, but 7 years later after a police investigation where no charges were laid... she needs her arse kicked!
I feel sorry for his wife and Kids...his children are in that 10-12 age group, wonder if this woman thought about them in before she went and dragged this up... its fine for her, nobody knows who she is....how much flak are his kids going to cop, why should they have to pay for this?
Just curious....did these allegations ever come up in the media 7 years ago?
But surely the ABC can't afford to pay for stories? And being government funded (at least to some degree) surely they have to abide by higher standards than A Current Arsehole and Troglodytes Tonight.

This whole story is weird.

FTR: I actually do feel sorry for her. No doubt she consented to something not really thinking through the consequences and felt incredibly bad about it. But to drag this back up 7 years later...****, do it with your shrink, not the media.
rissi_gurl said:
If this had recently happened, ala Brett Stewart by all means she has a right to do what shes doing,

I don't necessarily agree. If she consented - and as far as I am aware she is not currently claiming that it wasn't consensual - then why should she have the right to drag other people's names through the mud? I feel sorry for her, and don't doubt that she is suffering some kind of mental anguish - she obviously did something when she was young that she later felt bad about or feels she really shouldn't have done. But this is really no way to deal with her issues.

And Coxy, I'm not sure that 4 corners would have paid for the story (if so, I doubt it would have been much); but maybe she believed that she might be able to get money out of Johns to stop the story coming out, or she will get money from commercial networks with follow up stories. But like you, the whole thing just seems totally bizzare to me - there must be another angle to the whole story, I'll try to remember to watch it on Monday night.
No i dont mean she can go and dragged people through the mud but the parents of the girl in Stewarts case did make statements to the media about it...and nobody is going to judge them for doing that
Except in the Stewart case they are claiming it was non-consensual - sexaul assault. Same as the inital claims in most of the recent cases. If you or someone close to you are the victim of something illegal (or are claiming to be), then by all means, talk to the media, as long as you don't predjidice (sp) the case. And I am pretty sure there were a number of people that did criticise her father for talking to the media - the brought up a lot of his history of fraud etc.
Playboy Bunny said:
I think group sex is feral but if it was consentual then there isn't aything wrong with it legally.

Unless there was a sheep involved
I get what your saying...but her initial claims were of sexual assult too... thats so low that they did that to that girls father, i didnt know that

Youd have to say in all of this that the Johns brothers with first the drugs now this, have well and truely fallen from whatever pedestal they were on... there reputations would have to be just about irreparable now in alot of people eyes
On reflection I think I'm going to wait and watch the whole story before I go blaming/criticising her (I put on hold my initial criticisms). Maybe she isn't actually trying to drag anyone down, it might actually be one minor part of a bigger story - but the media are using her and that part of her story to sensationalise things and portray RL in a poor light.
rissi_gurl said:
Youd have to say in all of this that the Johns brothers with first the drugs now this, have well and truely fallen from whatever pedestal they were on... there reputations would have to be just about irreparable now in alot of people eyes

I agree with this to a certain extent regarding Andrew, but does this (or should it) really affect anyone's view on Mathhew? The guy had sex with some slurry from NZ, who probably loved it at the time, and given all the publicity relating to footy players and sexual assaults recently, has probably realised she can have her 15 minutes of fame by going to the media and claiming she has psycological issues from it now.

He did nothing illegal. Sure he cheated on his wife, but that's an issue for him, his wife and his family to deal with. Not something that really needs to be discussed in public, nor would I say it bought the game or his club in to disrepute.

This is even more of a non story than the Nick Kelly and Steve Michaels beat up.

For the record, I happen to think Matt Johns is a tool, but this incdient in no way affects my views on him.
Slurry lol
Last time I read that word would have been on the walls of the junior girls toilets in high school
Why don't we just all hold off until after the weekend. There's a test match, there will be NRL players on the piss all over Brisbane.

There will be sex too.

There's going to be far better stories come out of this weekend about drunk halfwits and their c0cks.
What I hate is that her name is protected. The stupid slut can claim "psychological damage" because the tart opens her legs to the whole club and throw the story around to destroy lives but she remains protected?

What a crock. She should be sued for it. She should made to prove that having group sex with a group of men caused her damage psychologically in that instance, and not other factors in her life.

This happened seven years ago. The media love dredging it up and pandering to such "victims" is a joke.
'I'm not dirty': Johns woman

New Zealand police have ruled out a new investigation into alleged sexual misconduct by Matthew Johns and members of the Cronulla Sharks.

But in an interview in 2002, shortly after police said they would not lay charges against any of the players, the Christchurch woman at the centre of the scandal said the February 15 encounter in a room at the Racecourse Hotel, Riccarton, was "planned" by the players and involved up to five men.

http://www.leaguehq.com.au/news/lhqnews ... 09976.html
Hahaha I just read that aticle and it has to be one of the funniest things I have read...

They sidled in and crawled along the floor where I couldn't see them and all came in, and climbed in through the windows and stuff, and next thing I knew everyone was in there.

Just the picture that comes into my head is so funny. All of these sharks players like secret spys sliding along the floor and in through windows. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1.