I hate the media!

Matthew Johns knew 4 Corners were doing a story on it on Monday, it reached the media on Thursday.

I am betting channel 9 will get rid of him.
Channel nine will keep him for sure. But they'll transfer him from the footy show to that wife swap show
Watching Offsiders this morning Roy Masters said he was interviewed for the show and he asked them if they had investigated any of the other Footy Codes about the sexual behaviour (keeping in mind this incident was consensual) of their players and he was told there was only a short turn-around time for the story so they didn't have time to look into other codes. FFS this incident on which they are basing their story and as far as I can tell tarnishing the whole code happened 7 years ago - surely a few more weeks during which time the FULL story across the codes can be investigated can be dedicated - especially from the ABC which should have more integrity than crap like A Current Affair and Today Tonight. Sounds more and more like a media witch hunt against RL to me.
Isn't this woman saying it wasn't consensual.

And didn't she said that 7 years ago.
I would like to know why it was only Matthew Johns that has been named. Why where the other players involved not named?

I'm also not sure what the issue is here. Is it that some some footy players had CONSENSUAL group sex with a hoe, or that Johns cheated on his wife. Either way, who really cares?
Four Corners says there will be a "Brisbane element" to tonight's explosive program focusing on a decade of sex scandals within the NRL.

But producers of the show, titled Code of Silence, have refused to say whether the woman at the centre of last year's damaging incident involving three Brisbane Broncos had been interviewed as part of the program.

http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/sport/n ... -azev.html
Kaz said:
Four Corners says there will be a "Brisbane element" to tonight's explosive program focusing on a decade of sex scandals within the NRL.

But producers of the show, titled Code of Silence, have refused to say whether the woman at the centre of last year's damaging incident involving three Brisbane Broncos had been interviewed as part of the program.

http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/sport/n ... -azev.html

Maybe the sex scandal is that Wayne Bennett was involved in a 3sum with Scott Minto's mum 30 years ago
OXY-351 said:
I would like to know why it was only Matthew Johns that has been named. Why where the other players involved not named?

I'm also not sure what the issue is here. Is it that some some footy players had CONSENSUAL group sex with a hoe,

Well the producers and the reporter are not saying there are any allegations of it not being consensual, so even if she said it wasn't 7 years ago, she mustn't be saying that now. From what I understand the crux of the story is that there is a culture of sexual behaviour in RL that is denigrating towards women (ie group sex is denigrating for the woman whether it is consensual or not) and that RL players basically have no respect for women and that RL clubs and administrators cover it up. On Offsiders yesterday they were going on about why this wasn't a bigger story when it happened blah blah blah and then in the next breath they were saying that the rights of the woman have to be respected and protected. So apparently making it a big media circus when it first happened would have protected the woman's rights and saved her from trauma?!?! [icon_shru IMO they did exactly the right thing - let it go through the proper police channels and when there was not case, move on. I'll say it again - WITCH HUNT
Yep, and it's ridiculous. Sharks players get a bun on, and rugby league has a culture of denigrating women.
Judging by some of the comments in this forum around the time of Alhambra gate, and particularly the words used to describe the girl involved, I'd say 18-25 Australian men in general have a culture of denigrating women.

It's not new. I saw it when I was in that age bracket going out. Blokes trying their best to pick up any girl, no matter how drunk and out of it she might be. Anything to pull a root.

Four Corners have got it well wrong. It's not a rugby league specific issue, just as drinking and recreational drug use isn't a rugby league or sport thing.
Yes, but RL is the juicy and timely target of the moment. Doesn't sound as sensational to say there is a drug and drinking problem within society as a whole, particularly in the 18-30 age bracket, or that a percentage of males in that age bracket don't respect women etc.
Exactly Coxy, which is why I say it's just an anti-RL witch-hunt. As I said earlier they should and could have taken the time to research all aspects of society (not just other sports, but including them) to give the whole picture, but for some reason they have an anti-RL agenda.

I was thinking about watching it, but now I think I won't.
Yep. I'm very disturbed that this has come from the ABC too. They're usually so much more objective and fair minded. This seems like a ratings grab, but that's never been their ethos.

Bizarre in the extreme.

Wouldn't have happened under Howard....................................................

Because the ABC would be bankrupt by now
Flutterby said:
OXY-351 said:
I would like to know why it was only Matthew Johns that has been named. Why where the other players involved not named?

I'm also not sure what the issue is here. Is it that some some footy players had CONSENSUAL group sex with a hoe,

From what I understand the crux of the story is that there is a culture of sexual behaviour in RL that is denigrating towards women (ie group sex is denigrating for the woman whether it is consensual or not) and that RL players basically have no respect for women and that RL clubs and administrators cover it up.

Maybe the chick was gagging for it, in which case it wasn't degrading for her, and the players actually respected her by carrying out her wishes
The Code of Silence
Reporter: Sarah Ferguson

For much of the past decade rugby league in Australia has been dogged by a series of startling allegations relating to alcohol, women and sex. After every incident the National Rugby League has told the public it's moving to clean up the game.

Certainly there is evidence that senior officials and key clubs are working hard to change player behaviour and rehabilitate the image of rugby league. But are they moving fast enough and is this a battle that can be won?

Now for the first time women talk frankly to reporter Sarah Ferguson about footballers, sex and a football culture that turns a blind eye to anti-social behaviour that raises both moral and sometimes legal issues. The program looks at a number of incidents involving rugby league players. It reveals details that have in some cases been hushed up by league officials. It relies on firsthand accounts of women involved in these incidents. Until now, these women have not spoken out. Finally on Monday night they tell their stories.
http://www.abc.net.au/4corners/content/ ... 565007.htm
I'm watching Four Corners now...that Charmaine chick...what a slurry.

And what the hell was she wearing when she went to the Normanby!?!

PS. It showed Broncos players - Fletcher Holmes and McGuire.
I have just watched it and what a pile of trash. I understand that the NRL have some severe problems with alcohol and sexually related incidents, but this was completely one-sided.

Group sex is not illegal nor uncommon. Women are more than capable of making decisions about sex and their own bodies. Even as a woman, I understand that this is bullshit. We can't use the arguement that we are equal to men but at the same time cry that we are defenseless and can't ascertain between non-consenual and consensual sex.

This was all about a woman that had regrets or she was out to make a buck, all behind a blurred face.

Not one player was allowed to defend themselves. A woman goes back to a hotel with a couple of men after a night of drinking should not expect tea and crumpets. For christs sake this is ridiculous.

But this has to be the final straw. NRL players need to keep their d*cks in their pants and forget about drinking in public. It is sad that they can't experience what most men that age do, but their are too many opportunists out there that make their Saturday nights by trying to find and root NRL players.

To ABC, what a disgraceful program from a channel that usually produces high quality reporting. I am absolutely disgusted that such a program was allowed to air. Especially when such biased reporting usually comes from 60 minutes or Today Tonight.