I hate the media!

BTw, I don't think the AFL people should get too excited. They have plenty of skeletons in their closet too.
Brunco and Todd said the usual stuff, mainly what it is like to be in the club's position. I thought the segment before was much better.
Unfortunately for us, they're seem pretty comfortable in that closet.

I missed the beginning, but Gould seemed fairly reasonable to me. He was actually getting teary when he was describing how much of a bad way Johns and his wife are in, which made him seem more human than he ever has before. He said the situation went bad when more people entered the room, and that Johns was definitely in the wrong, but he is copping criticism worthy of all 12 (or however many).

For a guy in an awkward position - being good mates with the accused but knowing he did something wrong - I think he did pretty well. And you know I hate Gould so that's high praise from me [icon_wink
Yep, Gould started off pretty much crying about how Matty Johns had taken all the blame (and he and his family was in a pretty bad way about it), but then Gould showed some sympathy to the girl in that the problems started when the randoms started entering the room.
There was an article on League HQ this morning:

http://www.leaguehq.com.au/news/lhqnews ... 44999.html

"Players get a lot of attention from girls in the clubs because they've got a high profile. That's not the players' fault," he said.

"Most of the time the girl goes back willingly and consents to everything, but sometimes regrets it when she wakes up in the morning and says, 'I didn't want that to happen,' and that's when the problems start.

I don't know who this waste of oxygen is, but FFS...how fucking hard is it for the players to say NO. Just because a girl propositions you doesn't mean you have to accept. Especially since they seem to know it can go bad when the girl, probably in the cold light of sobriety, has retrospective second thoughts and can then make accusations or whatever.

Players really are just retards aren't they?

I really think if they want group sex, hire a fucking prostitute, tell them what you want, pay them the cash, do the deed. They won't "cry rape".
Bruno mentioned that the players didn't want to go back to the leagues club because random girls there continually proposition them for sex.

So, the Broncos players aren't rude for not going back to the leagues club, they are protecting themselves from sexual temptation and are thus doing the correct thing for themselves and the club...
Jeanette said:
Bruno mentioned that the players didn't want to go back to the leagues club because random girls there continually proposition them for sex.

So, the Broncos players aren't rude for not going back to the leagues club, they are protecting themselves from sexual temptation and are thus doing the correct thing for themselves and the club...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh that's so funny it's not funny!!!!!

So where do they go instead? The Fucking NORMANBY! Home of the best quality skanks and cougars in Brisbane.

Unbelievable. Bruno, give yourself an upper cut! Repeatedly!
Seriously, he said the players didn't want to take photos or give autographs because they were scared the photos would be released to the media and that randoms would sexually proposition them....

Bruno said some people unfairly call the players rude for doing this, but they are just protecting themselves and the team...
I believe you that that's what he said. I just can't believe he believes it...if they felt that way they wouldn't go out AT ALL.
Coxyz said:
There was an article on League HQ this morning:

http://www.leaguehq.com.au/news/lhqnews ... 44999.html

"Players get a lot of attention from girls in the clubs because they've got a high profile. That's not the players' fault," he said.

"Most of the time the girl goes back willingly and consents to everything, but sometimes regrets it when she wakes up in the morning and says, 'I didn't want that to happen,' and that's when the problems start.

I don't know who this waste of oxygen is, but FFS...how **** hard is it for the players to say NO. Just because a girl propositions you doesn't mean you have to accept. Especially since they seem to know it can go bad when the girl, probably in the cold light of sobriety, has retrospective second thoughts and can then make accusations or whatever.

Players really are just retards aren't they?

I really think if they want group sex, hire a **** prostitute, tell them what you want, pay them the cash, do the deed. They won't "cry rape".

The players are reatrds, how about the girls that hit players up for a bunning in the first place? Again, society always blames the alpha male role model type, while the innocent girl crys in the corner. The players can never win.

Gould said it best on the Footy Show tonight 'Just becuase you get a green light, doesn't mean you go.' In fact, Gould has gone up a few notches in my book after his monolouge on the footy show tonight.
Of course the girls that proposition them for a bun are just pathetic low self esteem little girls that need to grow up. BUT, that's not an invitation to accept and take advantage of said individuals.

That was my point, but again you leap to the defence of the neanderthal dipshits that can't resist putting their ***** wherever they can find a willing hole.
lockyer47 said:
Yeh I gotta admit, Greenburg said more sharper stuff than Bruno did.

I thought Greenburg was just saying what everyone wants to hear, and I thought Bruno shirked the tough questions a bit. Neither impressed me greatly.
CEOs dodging tough questions and being sycophantic? How unusual ;-)
I realised that was your point, but I find it funny that this bird is playing the suicidal card that she can't live all because of this one incident. Then it comes out she was telling workmates she loved it. It shits me, because now Matt Johns' life is fucked forever, whereas this bird gets off, probably gets a heap of coin and doesn't get so little as her name revealed?

Frankly, this whole situation is crap and really annoys me that rugby league yet again gets it's culture blamed when it is the culture of the majoirty of Australians under the age of 25!!!!!
Coxyz said:
CEOs dodging tough questions and being sycophantic? How unusual ;-)

The best CEOs can do both at once, these nuffies could only manage one at a time [icon_wink
Still want to know how people think she's making money. From what?

Also find it interesting that people want to believe everything this "former colleague" has said.

and don't you dare tell me that group sex is a cultural thing amongst the majority of Australians under 25. That's absolute fucking garbage. It might be the culture of the majority of under 25 team sports members - dunno why, do you get off on seeing your teammates' **** in some chick's box? And then sticking yours in after? Frankly it repulses me.

I don't think it's a rugby league culture, but it's DEFINITELY a sports/military/any kind of male-dominant arena culture...and it's completely fucking sick.
Coxyz said:
I don't think it's a rugby league culture, but it's DEFINITELY a sports/military/any kind of male-dominant arena culture...and it's completely **** sick.

Interesting that you say this as it confirms comments coming from Triple J's news program 'Hack' this afternoon.

They had on a psychologist who commented that the Australian male is defined by their "mateship", that they value their mates above anything, and especially above females. These 'Circle Jerks' are seen as team/mate bonding sessions where males can experience an emotional connection to each other and the female in the room is irrelevant... It is especially common amongst sporting teams and the military...