I hate the media!

I will have to reread my post to see where I claimed society is fair.
mjc said:
Charmayne is disgusting anyway. She looks like a witch. She is overweight. She is ugly. Basically she is a turd that is desperately trying to polish herself, but we all know the old saying "you can't polish a turd".

No wonder Thurston won't comment on her - it would be highly embarrassing to be linked with that thing in public.

This is where I think Coxy's vendetta against Thuston originated. Coxy is just jelous that Thurston has had what he has so long desired
That Charmayne Pavlova chick is feral. Surely if a player wanted a root they could do better than that..... unless they're someone like Scotty Minto :P
pfft she is pretty good imo, although the clock is ticking.
Playboy Bunny said:
I dunno if I would call her overweight....If she is overweight i would hate to think what I am...

Big boned?
Who said she is overweight?? She's not overweight she just looks like a scrubber.. add that to the amount of dick that she has had and you have yourself a nasty slut.
mjc said:
Charmayne is disgusting anyway. She looks like a witch. She is overweight. She is ugly. Basically she is a turd that is desperately trying to polish herself, but we all know the old saying "you can't polish a turd".

No wonder Thurston won't comment on her - it would be highly embarrassing to be linked with that thing in public.

There ya go Scotty
Ugh, she reminds me of Pamela Anderson. A looker but only with lots of make up and with dim lights. Totally leathery and used up in natural light.
Playboy Bunny said:
mjc said:
Charmayne is disgusting anyway. She looks like a witch. She is overweight. She is ugly. Basically she is a turd that is desperately trying to polish herself, but we all know the old saying "you can't polish a turd".

No wonder Thurston won't comment on her - it would be highly embarrassing to be linked with that thing in public.

There ya go Scotty

Well I suppose some men like their women how they like their microphone stands. Skinny and sound amplifying.... that doesn't make a lot of sense. But she's not overweight.
NRL group sex woman in hiding

The New Zealand woman at the centre of the Matthew Johns group sex scandal has gone into hiding, saying she is "living a nightmare".

She told ABC 1's Four Corners program last week that the night of sex with at least six Cronulla Sharks players and staff, including Mr Johns, left her with significant emotional trauma.

The players maintain the sex was consensual and no charges were laid by police following the episode at a Christchurch hotel in 2002.


"Group Sex Woman" sounds like it could be the title of a cheesy 70s power ballad:

"Ooooh group sex womern
You got my buddies and me so hiiiiigh
Ooooh group sex womern
Call you a cab and then say goodbyeeee..."
OXY-351 said:
Coxyz said:
[quote="Playboy Bunny":2n4l86rx]I dunno if I would call her overweight....If she is overweight i would hate to think what I am...

Big boned?

Maybe when Mason was inside her[/quote:2n4l86rx]
eusa_think Is that a compliment to Mason?
mjc said:
Just on the Daily Telegraph constantly bombing League and sensationalising everything and the unfair reporting in general.... why?! WHY!

News Limited has a strong interest in the game, owning teams like the Broncos and Storm and broadcasting the games on Foxtel.

Why do they want to attack and do everything possible to bad mouth the game?

They will have a valid reason to say they wont be shelling out the millions come 2012
The NRL has lost alot of fans and sponsors are finding reasons to jump ship and it looks like sharkies arnt far from being gooooonnnneeeeeeeee as well... all these things could legitimatly effect negotiations... its not good!
It does make you wonder tho!
Well perhaps the media need to start pressing the teams in Sydney issue. Perhaps something will get done.
dont know if this has been mentioned
I was reading the Mole section of RLW... Yes i know its not the most reliable source of information okay
but it said that basically the other players involved in the christcurch incident were nobodies and were all about 19 years old
I dosent change anything, but i think that sharks ceo has alot to answer for, surely someone there was alot more mature then these boys and could have interviened!!!