I hate the media!

Chumbason said:
I don't like Mat Johns one bit, and when this all came about he should have been all over the media saying sorry, not to his family... he can do that at home, but to the girl in question.

BUT short of all that to me it's a huge media prize fight, they smell blood in the water, like with the broncos crap last year and now they are making it out as though she's a little princess and the big bad rapest rugby league players just jumped on her.

It sounds to me as though she knew what she was getting herself into and there's nothing to say that that isn't exactly what she was after, there are girls around that swing this way.

To come out after all this time and at a time when Johns is on top of the world and to only know his name, screams scam to me.

YES it's not good that this happened, nor is it good that either side allowed this to happen, but it happened and it still happens and be it wrong or right, the fact that so much time has gone by, the fact that she only names Johns and at this point in his career, AND that the cops have already looked into it... to some degree means it's a beat up to me.

Has anyone investigated her to the same extent that they are going into Johns? I doubt it, she could be short of cash and be looking for a pay out or just after the attention. She's happy to name Johns, how come we don't get to see her face and know her name? Oh that's right we have to protect the victim, but she did this willingly and further more what makes her or her freinds and family any more important than Johns or his freinds and family?

This whole thing stinks, and as I've said before I don't care for either of the johns boys and much less the media whore that is Mat Johns, but I think he's getting the rough end of the stick here.

+1, you make very valid points about how heavily distorted the reporting has been in the girl's favour. I don't think you should be allowed to appear on TV claiming anonymously to slander a person who was cleared of any wrong doing 7 years ago. John's family will be dragged through the mud again for this and she is (from all I have seen and read) just as guilty as he is for something not criminally illegal but in most eyes morally wrong. The fact she remains anonymous and only names one player screams of beat up and of someone looking to make a buck out of someone's name.
+2 I don't know what is going on behind the scenes with this girl or if she is genuine, but if she is, she has my sympathy, as does the Johns family (not Matt) for having this brought up and dragged through the mud again. I can only imagine what his kids are copping at school about it.
She is on a NZ government pension as a result of the incident, I'm sure she's genuine.
mrslong said:
She is on a NZ government pension as a result of the incident, I'm sure she's genuine.

How do you know its a result of the incident tho? IF she was the kind of girl to do the alleged acts consensually no doubt she has some other issues going on eusa_think
ronnyd said:
mrslong said:
She is on a NZ government pension as a result of the incident, I'm sure she's genuine.

How do you know its a result of the incident tho? IF she was the kind of girl to do the alleged acts consensually no doubt she has some other issues going on eusa_think
They showed paperwork on it on 4Corners detailing the reasons why she was on a pension [icon_shru
Chumbason said:
I don't like Mat Johns one bit, and when this all came about he should have been all over the media saying sorry, not to his family... he can do that at home, but to the girl in question.

BUT short of all that to me it's a huge media prize fight, they smell blood in the water, like with the broncos crap last year and now they are making it out as though she's a little princess and the big bad rapest rugby league players just jumped on her.

It sounds to me as though she knew what she was getting herself into and there's nothing to say that that isn't exactly what she was after, there are girls around that swing this way.

To come out after all this time and at a time when Johns is on top of the world and to only know his name, screams scam to me.

YES it's not good that this happened, nor is it good that either side allowed this to happen, but it happened and it still happens and be it wrong or right, the fact that so much time has gone by, the fact that she only names Johns and at this point in his career, AND that the cops have already looked into it... to some degree means it's a beat up to me.

Has anyone investigated her to the same extent that they are going into Johns? I doubt it, she could be short of cash and be looking for a pay out or just after the attention. She's happy to name Johns, how come we don't get to see her face and know her name? Oh that's right we have to protect the victim, but she did this willingly and further more what makes her or her freinds and family any more important than Johns or his freinds and family?

This whole thing stinks, and as I've said before I don't care for either of the johns boys and much less the media whore that is Mat Johns, but I think he's getting the rough end of the stick here.

Agree wholeheartedly.
I don't condone what the players participated in, I think it's disgusting and despicable but it wasn't illegal, the "victim" hasn't said it wasn't consensual has she? Not ONCE has it been reported that she said "No" or "Stop" or even attempt to get herself out of the situation.
I would like to think that any woman in that situation who feels threatened would do whatever they can to get out of it. Whether people like it or not, this woman played a part in this. Even if she only went back to the hotel room with 1 bloke, I'll say it again, she made NO attempt to stop what happened when others showed up. And I'm sorry but I just don't buy it when people claim she must have been too intimidated to stop it. Punch, scratch, scream, yell.... it was in a hotel, I'm sure someone would have heard. Sounds like she's getting a lot of easy sympathy from what is clear cut biased reporting.
So here's another scenario, what if she was given so many drinks she didn't know what she was doing. What is the difference between that and a date rape drug? Technically these girls (and boys) are are given a drug don't say "no" and technically it's not illegal.
So basically, she is so messed up from her actions that she now suffers from psych problems. I definately do not condone the actions of anyone ever forcing someone to do anything against their wishes - but how are we to know that it was against her wishes? She probably did it willingly, then woke up the next day feeling rather dirty and slutty. If there is no clear cut evidence in cases like these, they shouldn't be leaked from the police files. It's just an invitation for other girls to do the same.

And why bring it out now and not 7 years ago??
She did bring it up years ago, and now the media hunted her down and interviewed her. She wasn't the instigator of dragging this up.
Honestly, I feel very sorry for Matthew Johns if he loses his job.
He doesn't deserver to lose his job and career for something which happened 7 years ago which regardless of how pathetic it was wasn't illegal. SEVEN YEARS..... FFS, people change inside out, my older brother 7 years ago was the biggest fuckwit around, now he's a completely different man. Honestly so many things change in 7 years, just because Johns did this 7 years ago, it doesn't mean he engages in this now he's older and more mature now and shouldn't be punished for a mistake he made 7 years ago.
In answer to your hypothetical question Mrs Long, if she was deprived of the capacity to consent by alcohol and it was proven beyond reasonable doubt that the other party/ies knew this, then it is likely that they would have been charged.
Does your brother go on tv masquerading as REG RAEGAN? FFS! He's a mysoginistic bastard, that's why he's gonna get the sack. It's not like he's gone on and made a reputable career like Peter Sterling who's cleaned up his act.
mrslong said:
Does your brother go on tv masquerading as REG RAEGAN? FFS! He's a mysoginistic bastard, that's why he's gonna get the sack. It's not like he's gone on and made a reputable career like Peter Sterling who's cleaned up his act.
But that's just an acting thing, isn't he like 37 now? I seriously doubt he's still like that when he go out and stuff.
at the end of the day I seem to think it's unfair for him to get sacked, why didn't nine sack him 7 years ago? oh thats right, there wasn't media pressure to sack him then. If thaiday or hunt go on to make a tv career, and 7 years later hte incident they were in pops up and makes them lose their job I would feel sorry for them too.
Not sure if everyone commenting actually watched the report or read the transcript, but most of your attitudes are quite sad. Why do you think that most sexual assault victims don't bother reporting these things? Because they are concerned about how they will be judged! Obviously this is not isolated to the NRL but is a society issue, especially based on the opinion of some here.

Firstly she did report the incident to police 7 years ago, this isn't the first its been publicised. There were 40 statements from the Cronulla players and officials stating that everything was consensual, against her lone statement that it wasn't. The police were unable to proceed with charges, not that they were found innocent, and after struggling to cope she has been granted compensation for PTSD. The police and psych both reported that it was due to this incident. I doubt she would have received payment from the ABC so money is irrelevant.

Why should she not discuss this incident and why should she be investigated? The most she is guilty of is naivety and making a poor decision. On the other hand, these footballers are guilty of a poor attitude to women and possibly sexual assault. I know which one I have the most sympathy for!
broncospwn said:
mrslong said:
Does your brother go on tv masquerading as REG RAEGAN? FFS! He's a mysoginistic bastard, that's why he's gonna get the sack. It's not like he's gone on and made a reputable career like Peter Sterling who's cleaned up his act.
But that's just an acting thing, isn't he like 37 now? I seriously doubt he's still like that when he go out and stuff.
at the end of the day I seem to think it's unfair for him to get sacked, why didn't nine sack him 7 years ago? oh thats right, there wasn't media pressure to sack him then. If thaiday or hunt go on to make a tv career, and 7 years later hte incident they were in pops up and makes them lose their job I would feel sorry for them too.
Johns needed to go. People are angry about this and the Footy Show is already struggling, ratings wise. He will (rightfully) keep his various jobs with other clubs, but the league cannot afford to have him as one of the people representing the game every week on tv. Right or wrong, it had to happen and was always going to.

He was 30 FFS. 30!! That's not young and immature, that's a fully grown adult who should know the difference between what is good and bad. He was married with kids.

And I'm sorry but I just don't buy it when people claim she must have been too intimidated to stop it. Punch, scratch, scream, yell.... it was in a hotel, I'm sure someone would have heard.

Scotty, put yourself in that situation. You're completely surrounded by 10-15 men who pretty much bash each other for a living. Are you going to scream and kick and punch them? Or are you going to just close your eyes and hope that whatever they do, it's over quickly?