So now there seems to be some pretty broad strokes being made here with the idea that she may have had grog poured into her to an extent that would result in her not being able to say no...
PLUS some are now talking about her being bashed if she tried to fight back, COME ON!!!
Are we meant to think that the so called 10 - 15 cronulla reps and players were going to hold down and bash a 19 year old girl for some drunk sex, PLEASE!
This is an awful thing to have happen, we all agree on that, but lets not kid ourselves that they're aren't people and times when this sort of thing happens with the agreement of every one, only to be thought the better of afterwards.
If she isn't coping well with it then that is very sad for her and I feel for her, but that does not automaticlly mean that someone else is to blame or has to pay for it. She was a part of this, as was Johns and though it may not now seem to be the most sensible thing to do, at one stage or another they had agreed to do it.
I can fully understand that as things went on she may not have thought it was as much fun or as pleasurable as she may have first thought, and that's what it was about, drunken pleasure between adults... I do though fail to see that as many as 15 grown men would've stood by and knowingly watched a young woman be raped or sexually assulted under the threat of violence.
I also struggle to think that those men, especially the ones that were only spectators would've then firstly lied to police and then kept it to themselves for seven years. Men can be bastards, I know, I'm a man, we can be rude and rough and silly and insensetive and do all sorts of silly sh#t, but to think that not one in 15 did or said a single thing, is a bit too much.
I've been around the block a few times and I know more than just a few guys and girls that have been involved in things a little bit like this, so it's not that unheard of that both guys and girls get up to this sort of crap. I don't recommend it for men, and I would advise against it for the ladies in my life, but in the end, if you choose to roll this way, then you have to be happy to live with it. You should not be judged by what you think or feel, but most certainly for what you do or say.
She may not be soley to blame for the way her life as turned out, but that doesn't mean that Johns & co are either.