I hate the media!

As you'd expect the jokes are being sent around now, just got this one.

I found out the name of the sheila Matty Johns rooted. It was Joyce Mayne. Get what you want now, nothing to pay for seven years!
yeah i got another one a few hours ago. Wont post it but don't take them long huh. I mean they had jokes about the space shuttle before it hit the ground.
So on the news it comes out that the women was bragging about it and telling her workmates how much of a great time she had. Doesn't sound like too traumatic an experience if that's truly the case. Seems like there are a lot of words against this young womens word. I can understand the players all sticking together, but an independent 3rd party ...
Is that true Oxy? That is HUGE if it is. Where did they pull that from?
I just saw that briefly on channel 9 news. Dunno who the woman saying it was, might have been working at the hotel at the time. But she was saying the alleged "victim" was bragging to the staff about having sex with several players.
mjc said:
Is that true Oxy? That is HUGE if it is. Where did they pull that from?

Yeah what Scotty said. Was just a little more of the interview on ACA.

So in the opinion if this chick who worked at the motel, the girl in question wasn't suffering any trauma in the days after the event. Quite the opposite in fact. Was bragging about how many players she had screwed in the room. Only 5 days later did she suddenly change her tune and go to the cops.

No trauma = everything was consensual, right Coxy? Couldn't be post trauma either I guess Dr Coxy?
The woman at the centre of a sex scandal that ruined Matthew Johns's TV career has had her version of events challenged by a former workmate.

Tania Boyd worked with the then-19-year-old at the Racecourse Hotel in Christchurch and told Nine News she did not appear at all distressed after the incident.

"She was bragging about it to the staff quite openly, about how she had sex with the players," Ms Boyd said.

http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/813924 ... g-about-it
She also said all staff were under no illusions that they were strictly forbidden from going into players rooms (unless they were doing the housekeeping or delivering room service food). I reckon someone got sick of her bragging and dobbed her in - so suddenly she makes herself the victim. Or maybe someone questioned her morality and when she thought about it she did see it differently. Bragging about it for 5 days certainly doesn't sound like she was traumatised at the time - though she could definintely have become traumatised by it when she later reflected on it. I still personally find the whole scene abherrent, but this certainly puts her in a new light - IF it is true.
Certainly throws out the whole poor intimidated defenceless little girl argument - it never sat well with me anyway. I find it so hard to believe a girl would just lie there and let all these men rape her without so much as a whimper against it. And while on that subject I find it impossible to believe a team of high profile sportsmen would physically hold a girl down and rape her... it just wouldn't happen like that.

There hasn't been enough of a dig at the New Zealand accent...

"she asked for sex"
"she got six"
You DO NOT deserve public humiliation for having consensual group sex. Morally disgusting and sickening, true - quite a few people don't think that is that case for that matter. (Before you blow your top off I am not one of them - but I will say I am accepting of one's lifestyle - and don't try to take it out of context such as pedophilia/rapists/murderers because if you think it is the same thing or in the same ball park, well - I really don't have much to say if thats how some people think.)

I read another article today.

http://www.leaguehq.com.au/news/lhqnews ... 44999.html

"I don't know how a chief executive can come out and say we can't have group sex if it's consensual. It's like discrimination because that is a person's private life. It's like saying you can't be homosexual, or you can't have such-and-such sexual preferences. How can he tell us what we can do in our private lives? What if there's more women than guys, is that wrong, too?"

It is a fair point. You CANNOT tell footy players not to have group sex, and if we are talking about biblical moral wrong doings then homosexuality is WRONG, you cannot tell players what their sexual preferences are no matter how disgusting. However of course players have to think about dire consequences, such as this recent matter.
Lockyer47 what you say is all true but sadly it's not even THAT easy. Sure the players have a right to privacy etc but when commercial interests are threatened then unfortunatelty it's a different matter.
Agreed. Does Matty deserve the shit he is getting now? I have to say, I'm one of those people that doesn't think so. (The loss of channel 9 job is fair enough but the public humiliation is just bullshit - that is my opinion)

Did the lady involved deserve the post-trauma and pain she went through after? Of course not.
All of a sudden there's a 2nd side to the story isn't there, in fact one I believe.
Now where all the people who had absolutely no doubt that it wasn't consensual and that's the only reason she had PTSD? I reckon her friends would know what she was feeling more than some doctor she saw years later.

With this information out, I now have zero sympathy for that girl, because it was a case just as I'd suspected.
I however feel very sorry for Matt, he did not deserve this, his druggo brother is the one who should of should of lost his job(s) not matt, dead set, I couldn't feel more sorry for him, I hope he gets his job back he didn't deserve to lose everything and have this brought up again 7 years later for this.
Apparently that chick that has come out saying 'calre' was bragging was saying that the rest of the staff were saying how disgusting it was that she had had group sex with the players...or maybe group sex in general. So maybe it was that which changed her mind and then she went to the coppers??

Who knows but I think it will get more interesting. I just wish someone would come out and name names!! So far Kimmorley has denied he was there also Preston Campbell and Colin Best...
Aeetee said:
Who was in that team that that played that day?

I'm not sure but I googled the 2002 cronulla sharks and I only got one result which had some listing of a team. I was laughing if one of them may have been jason stevens...LOL I doubt it though. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1.