I was told during the game, how unlady like I was

Bindii - I have no problem with your decision/parenting skills..... like mrslong said.. there are worse places to take your kids.

I lived in Thailand for a year.... a Broncos game sounds like a small cushioned room compared to where I saw kids there.

I wouldn't choose to take my baby to the football and won't do when it comes along later this year, but FMD! There are thousands of people pushing prams with babies around at The Ekka atm - more people, far more crowded in many areas and much more dangerous in my opinion.

I've seen babies at the football and from my observations the parents have been very responsible in their care while out in public. Everyone has the right as a parent to make that call for themselves, and I think no less of Bindii or anyone else who does it regardless of the fact that I would choose not to.
Yeah mick, agree. I guess what I don't understand is what benefit is there for taking a baby to the football? They won't get anything out of it, and yet there IS risk of catching a cold/flu, or being knocked, or being hit with a projectile etc.

Probably been project managing too long, but I always weigh up decisions on a cost/risk vs benefit basis.
I do think of the Mum's who are breast feeding and want to go to the footy and can't leave there babies with anybody else etc....that's the only reason they drag their babies everywhere. My sis has a new born and it sucks for her being stuck inside all the time, sometimes you just need to get out!!!
Absolutely. Footy ain't a place I'd consider though. But again, each to their own.
Seriously you have to start taking your kids the footy early to brainwash them :P

We have friends who started taking their baby along before she was 1, they'd have her in one of those front carried type things. Anyways now she isn't even 3 and half and she knows all the Souths players, first and last names and she knows how to sing Glory Glory...it's the only way hahahaha I have a video of her doing the Haka as well haha Ask her to do what Issac Luke does and that what she does...aahhh hilarious kid.
Then they get to be a teenager, meet some idiot who follows AFL and off they go to the Lions games.
Fall out of love with him as teens do and meet a Union guy and they are Union mad. [icon_shru
Not worth wasting hard earned cash on taking them

On the other hand......Get your sons to the footy from birth and drum it into them if they don't follow league they will be put into a HOME..... [icon_evillaugh
The Rock said:
Lol, nothing beats Cronulla for skanks.
Ha yeah. I know what you mean I go to the Broncos v Sharks every year. You have no idea how rude they are. The broncos scored a try and the reply was shut the F*** up C***. I was like sorry for supporting a better team than you!
Yeah I really hate going to Cronulla, always run into at least one dickhead. It's impossible not to.

God knows why we didn't move out of "the shire" earlier....90% full of arrogant a-holes