James Roberts Drama

Of course you can sue her, whether she made a police complaint is irrelevant.

She went to the papers to claim he assaulted her without actually knowing is that was the case. That's defamation.

you would only sue her if you were 100% not guilty. once a lawsuit is launched, she would easily be able to get a court order for the CCTV footage.

he could just be very lucky that the IU is just as incompetent as the rest of the NRL hierarchy
Your second point is what I am saying.

Although now I am thinking about it, I am less certain as to whether the EBA with the RLPA might not give him coverage.

I am pretty sure he's not covered though.

Well it depends on the CBM's take on the NRL's EPA with the RLPA and the rumours in the CM that the DT has SIUTR in the BoC of the MOU. Clear?
Since I've found out about him evading his minders, i don't care about the "he said she said". There was booze involved at the time? He's gone. Whether he has a booze ban or not doesn't matter either. He's just done rehab. He has a young family, who rely on him. He either does not want to make the right choices, or he is unable to because of addiction. Another chance won't fix that, and playing football won't fix that (regardless of how clubs try to spin it).

I would love nothing more than to wake up tomorrow and find out that it's all been a mistake, that he was never even at the event, never involved in the police incident. and it was all a case of mistaken identity. But it doesn't sound likely. One of the biggest lessons players have to learn is that it's not the situation that unfolds that gets you in trouble, it's putting yourself in the position in the first place.

The best thing for Roberts? Send him home to his family. And give him counselling, alone and with his wife. Give him a year off. I don't care if he's fully paid by the Broncos and it gets included in the cap. Make it clear that he needs to prioritise being a father and a husband above all else, appreciate what he has, because if he can do that then everything else will fall in to place.

By sitting out the season, he can't rush it. He can't say all the right things just to get back on the field. That's the timeline. Get yourself right, and there will be a decent contract waiting for you to sign at the end of the year. Choose to wuss out, refuse help and make no attempt to do the right thing by yourself and your family, well that's your choice but don't expect to play in the NRL again.
Well it depends on the CBM's take on the NRL's EPA with the RLPA and the rumours in the CM that the DT has SIUTR in the BoC of the MOU. Clear?
Can we keep it English please :P
Since I've found out about him evading his minders, i don't care about the "he said she said". There was booze involved at the time? He's gone. Whether he has a booze ban or not doesn't matter either. He's just done rehab. He has a young family, who rely on him. He either does not want to make the right choices, or he is unable to because of addiction. Another chance won't fix that, and playing football won't fix that (regardless of how clubs try to spin it).

I would love nothing more than to wake up tomorrow and find out that it's all been a mistake, that he was never even at the event, never involved in the police incident. and it was all a case of mistaken identity. But it doesn't sound likely. One of the biggest lessons players have to learn is that it's not the situation that unfolds that gets you in trouble, it's putting yourself in the position in the first place.

The best thing for Roberts? Send him home to his family. And give him counselling, alone and with his wife. Give him a year off. I don't care if he's fully paid by the Broncos and it gets included in the cap. Make it clear that he needs to prioritise being a father and a husband above all else, appreciate what he has, because if he can do that then everything else will fall in to place.

By sitting out the season, he can't rush it. He can't say all the right things just to get back on the field. That's the timeline. Get yourself right, and there will be a decent contract waiting for you to sign at the end of the year. Choose to wuss out, refuse help and make no attempt to do the right thing by yourself and your family, well that's your choice but don't expect to play in the NRL again.

Was rehab for booze or drugs?
James Roberts won't have his contract terminated by the NRL, been cleared of any wrong doing on the night in question according to 9 news, will be free to play for us in 2017.
Interesting, so no adverse findings whatsoever?

Edit: Must have been something in it. Chris Garry tweeted that Broncos will make their own punishment.
He won't get out of it totally unscathed. But I am ecstatic that his Bronco days aren't over because he is a major strike weapon and a vital cog if they are any title hopes this year. Obviously he will screw up majorly one day but I won't worry about that till it happens.
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He won't get out of it totally unscathed. But I am ecstatic that his Bronco days aren't over because he is a major strike weapon and a vital cog if there are any title hopes this year. Obviously he will screw up majorly one day but I won't worry about that till it happens.
Interesting, so no adverse findings whatsoever?

Edit: Must have been something in it. Chris Garry tweeted that Broncos will make their own punishment.
Punishment is for being there at all.

Booze ban probs.

Nothing in it.

free at last, free at last, thank God almighty he's free at last!!!!
He's gonna score plenty of tries this year.
More speed than Oxford Street!

Ps now that he has been cleared can we all remember to not jump to judgment....write it down 1000 times "i will not jump to judgment" then say 20 hail locky's and you will be cleansed!!!
I've thought that from the beginning it was complete bull shit. James Roberts is a gun and he will hit full flight this season.