Can we all agree this situation is a mess?
Firstly, this is typical Titans. In a horrible season where their club was on the verge of extinction, they find one silver lining and happen to lose it in the blink of an eye.
And now we've got clubs bending over backwards trying to sign him.
Souths just lost a fair chunk of their roster trying to sign Burgess. Now they're apparently trying to shop a few more of their spuds around trying to sign Roberts.
St George Illawarra somehow have $400K sitting around in loose change and they're trying to lure Roberts to their little flea market.
And then you've got Brisbane in a similar situation as Souths (although don't you dare call Copley a spud or I'll cut you. And by cut you, I mean post a passive aggressive meme pick).
Further, we're officially in the dullest period of the Rugby League calender where teams are just slogging it out in pre-season and we've got nothing to talk about Rugby League wise. So we're over-analyzing every situation. Oh people are crying at training? Copley must be going to the Titans! Oh Madge is meeting with Roberts. That's it, Game Over Man, Game Over - I guess Copley is a decent player after all. All we need is for one of those Illuminati nuts to come into it and tell us how Rusty is corrupting the game.
There's got to be a better system than this.
And the Titans...
my god the Titans...