Jharal Yow Yeh injury update thread

It's interesting to see some of the guys who watched him, seem to be the same bunch together most of the time.

Wallace, Norman, Anderson, Hodges, Macca, Reed, Parker, Copely, Glenn and Maranta. Would have been nice to see Thaiday there doing his captain duty and supporting a mate.
But I thought Parker wasn't liked in the playing group!
Yeah and there was probably a 1:30 flight he could have rushed and got home for a 3PM kick off.

Just so slack...:tongue_smilie:

As I said before, didn't know he was in Sydney otherwise I wouldn't of doubted him.
Hi guys. Not a regular contributor on BHQ but I went out to see JYY today and thought I could provide some insight for you. I left with 15 mins to go but from what I saw he looked big, fit and strong which was good. He is running with a distinct limp which was very noticeable. He made a few strong runs and was very committed in defence which was good. He never really broke into full stride despite there being a number of opportunities to chase runaway jets players. I got the impression he was playing within himself or under instructions not to go overboard. Having said that, given the obvious hobble in his gait he may not have been able to run any faster than he was. I was really encouraged though.

IIRC JYY had a peculiar running style in the first place before his injury which would look particularly bad with the injury to his ankle?

Man, I hope he can get back to his previous best, or can evolve into something else for the team.
IIRC JYY had a peculiar running style in the first place before his injury which would look particularly bad with the injury to his ankle?

Man, I hope he can get back to his previous best, or can evolve into something else for the team.
Just watching the short vid of the game ... the muscles in the injured leg look like they need a lot of building up. I'm sure that when his whole body is back in balance we'll see a big improvement in his running.
But I agree with you mate ... just freaking awesome to see him make it this far and prove all the pessimists wrong, and he's too nice a bloke to say "told ya so!!"
Thaiday was heading back to his new baby and wife, can hardly blame him. His kid and wife should come before the team. YY definitely had a funny run before hand, same as Gillett. They look awkward when running. YY broken leg certainly is smaller, there's no way you could walk right what with that difference in size. Good job YY, you'll be back to your almost best eventually I have no doubt.
I'm hoping to see jyy in first grade by about round 20. Hopefully once he recovers fully and gets his leg strength back he can be as devastating as he used to be. He was seriously one of the best wingers in the game, it would be sad if he couldn't get back to his best
Definitely, he was in the QLD side with only a few years of playing. Our comp is starved of good wingers. He had everything you wanted, good under the highball, fast, good step, good hands, knew how to finish, knew where to position himself, had a good short kick and is a little bit sexy. Every team needs sexy! Hodges and YY knew each other so well too. How sweet would've it been to have YY and Hodges playing next to each last year and this year when Hodges has really started to hit form again. I don't think Hodges will play after his contract is up, he's getting too old so we might not see their combination at its peak again. He had a good pre-season with training, but now that he is playing his body is that old he barely trains during the week.
A little bit sexy???? Are you fucking serious???? I would swallow for that man.
In keeping with the rather 'blue' theme of the past few posts - don't know about anyone else but I still find JYY's fate so tough to swallow ... He's obviously a lovely bloke and was really flying with his career until that injury last year ... Don't think I've ever been as disappointed for any athlete over an injury as I was / am for this fella ...

Like everyone else here I really hope he can get going again and seeing him go around yesterday for the first time was absolutely riveting viewing ... but everytime I see this young fella I can't help but think to myself "if only you didn't jump for that ball that night" ..

It's just so bloody unfortunate for him ....
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I've got mixed emotions about him playing first grade again this year. I don't want him to come back too soon, but I also want him back for his own sake.
I've got mixed emotions about him playing first grade again this year. I don't want him to come back too soon, but I also want him back for his own sake.

Agreed he needs mental toughness built first, as much as I would like to see him back in first grade this season too, I think his better just focusing on working towards a return to qld cup, gaining confidence there for the rest of the seasonn, then with a full offseason to prepare for a return to the NRL 2014.
Imagine the reception he will get if he does get to run onto Suncorp stadium.

there would not be a dry eye in the house ... and that would apply also to hundrends of thousands of loungerooms around QLD ... its a boring cliche but it would be absolutely the case if / when that happened.

nobody in NSW would give a shit though .... infact they'd all probably rate Terry Campese's comeback as far more impressive. Fuckers.
BTW, is there any definitive, conclusive info regarding exactly what JYY will be working with in terms of his range of motion, speed ect ect for the rest of his playing days ? I reckon having a clear picture on that would be really key for JYY himself so he's 100% on the direction he's taking as a footballer from this point on ...
After I saw the long shot which showed him running (limping) and his feet my heart sank, IMO he will never play wing again in NRL. He even gave it away a bit with his interview when he said nothing was impossible when referring to his positional change to backrow.