NEWS Joan Taufua charged with manslaughter

Has there been any charges laid yet? Very odd for it to take this long, you usually see charges laid within 24 hours when it seems as obvious as this one does.
Probably still gathering evidence and witness accounts in preparation for a host of charges. This is a high profile incident with a significant outcry from the general public. They want to ensure that they get it right IMO.
Has there been any charges laid yet? Very odd for it to take this long, you usually see charges laid within 24 hours when it seems as obvious as this one does.
Forensic crash unit jobs, normally aren’t resolved quickly.

In saying that, police haven’t had the chance to attempt to interview her yet and you can’t have a bedside hearing on an unconscious patient / defendant., as media reports say she is.

So it will take some time yet.
Yeh. Turns out she has multiple fractures, a collapsed / bruised lung and a variety of scrapes, bumps, bruises and so forth.

Not on life support and hardly ‘fighting’ for her life, but banged up badly enough. Been under sedation is my understanding, hence why police have yet to speak with her.
Is the sedation from before the incident or from when she got to hospital.... too soon?
Could mods please tidy this thread and move all the Haas stuff to the Haas thread?

Just read the post above thinking it related to Robati's case and for a second thought it had escalated dramatically...
All related posts are here now
Is the sedation from before the incident or from when she got to hospital.... too soon?
Not 100% sure, but at a guess - QAS may well have sedated on scene with their usual drug - droperidol and for medical reasons, perhaps in relation to lung injuries she is said to have suffered, they may be mechanically ventilating her, which would explain continued sedation / medically induced coma and why police have yet to speak with her / charge her.

But I am no doctor. I’ve just taken or been present with QAS with a lot of sick / injured people presenting to emergency / going into ICU, so the above is nothing more than supposition albeit a situation I’ve seen more than a few times. Particularly with critical head trauma or burns injuries.