NEWS Joan Taufua charged with manslaughter

The best thing Haas could do is provide a statement that this is a private family matter and leave it at that. No social media posts etc. If he wants to support his out of control mother do it in a private way and not let the media make a circus of it.

Hopefully she sees an extended time in jail if whats reported is true.
Payne doesn't need to say anything.

He has acted impeccably every time he's been in hot water. And almost every incident has been the result of someone getting up in his face and pushing him or him standing by a family member. He's never commented on his contract publicly beyond saying he leaves that up to his agent and he's concentrating on his football. I've never heard him badmouth anyone publicly.

Whether you're cynical about his overt Islamic posturing, it doesn't appear to have done him any harm. He's off the booze - or near enough to it - and it seems to have reigned in his gangsta code. He's always cool in front of the camera and knows how to say the right things.

He'll be doing it tough right now, but he'll be fine. We should stick by him and hope he repays the loyalty, the way he does his family proper.
The best thing Haas could do is provide a statement that this is a private family matter and leave it at that. No social media posts etc. If he wants to support his out of control mother do it in a private way and not let the media make a circus of it.

The best thing for him to do is, shut the **** up about it.

The media would twist what was said, for their own agenda
The best thing Haas could do is provide a statement that this is a private family matter and leave it at that. No social media posts etc. If he wants to support his out of control mother do it in a private way and not let the media make a circus of it.

Hopefully she sees an extended time in jail if whats reported is true.

I wouldn't be providing a statement at all but when he's inevitably asked about it, that's the response. That and only that.
I mean she was in jail for the assault charge before being released? Hard to see how you can prevent such a situation if an adult is going to behave like this repeatedly. Lock them up and throw away the key? Tragic event and another innocent family has been destroyed.
I'd argue against that - especially taking into consideration the point I've bolded.

We have a duty of care to help Payne out here - regardless of the events of last year with the release request and all that.

He's still a young bloke, with not much life experience at all. This is going to be a massive struggle for him, if what the police statement says is true. It also seems like he is the sole provider for his large family, so he's already under a certain pressure away from the footy field.

Give him time off or whatever, this is the kind of thing that is bigger than your footy career. I'd hate to see him go off the rails because we fucked him off when he needed a guiding hand.

This is a tragic event. Three innocent lives lost. May they rest in peace.
The good news is. He won’t need to pay for his mums lifestyle anymore because she’s going to spend the best part of her life in jail now.

I wouldn’t be renewing Payne at end of contract. He’s good, bur he’s not $1m a year good and there’s just too much baggage.
This is completely the police's fault. They are the victims of police harassment. No one was in any danger until they tried to pull her over, and because she feared for her safety due to her previous dealings with law enforcement, she tried to remove herself from the situation. Now three people are dead and she is in a critical condition because of how the police have acted. They are ones that should me made accountable for their actions.

- Payne Haas probably.

Yes, the Broncos should offer all the support they can offer, but you won't ever be able to shake the mentality that his fuckwit family have instilled in him, and that is that the police are dogs that unfairly target people like them. The Broncos will do the right thing, and try to teach him that what he has been raised to believe is BS, as it's a cheap way to deflect accountability, but I don't know whether it will ever sink in. That's when a Nasser will send in a "Orr Hee Bro, Family always comes first Bro, we undastand" line from SBW and the circus starts all over again.
Surprise surprise.....the CM not doing any fact checking before shooting off a headline.
Yeh. Turns out she has multiple fractures, a collapsed / bruised lung and a variety of scrapes, bumps, bruises and so forth.

Not on life support and hardly ‘fighting’ for her life, but banged up badly enough. Been under sedation is my understanding, hence why police have yet to speak with her.
I wouldn’t be renewing Payne at end of contract. He’s good, bur he’s not $1m a year good and there’s just too much baggage.

He won't be winning us any GF's. Other players yes, him no.
Could mods please tidy this thread and move all the Haas stuff to the Haas thread?

Just read the post above thinking it related to Robati's case and for a second thought it had escalated dramatically...
Has there been any charges laid yet? Very odd for it to take this long, you usually see charges laid within 24 hours when it seems as obvious as this one does.
Has there been any charges laid yet? Very odd for it to take this long, you usually see charges laid within 24 hours when it seems as obvious as this one does.

She's still sedated apparently.