This is what f***s me off the most about the broncos at the moment. We NEED Dugan but the powers that be are too blind or stubborn to admit they need to overlook his instagram garbage.
The worst thing is you can see how this will all play out.
1. He will be allowed to have a contract registered
2. St Merge will swoop in and pick him up and he will ignite their struggling attack
3. They will be massive improvers and all of a sudden the same media that criticized us for looking at him will praise the dragons for taking a chance and look at what happened.
4. We will all get to watch him tear it up, read all about how the broncos should have given him a chance and how he is reformed blah blah vlah, all the while we will languish at the bottom half of the ladder, with no other options with our good wholesome boys and get to listen to f***ing Gee Gee crap on about how our fans would be horrified if they recruited outside of qld and hook will give his usual, "the effort is there and a win is just around the corner" bulls***
5. Oh yeah and we will probably announce that our saviour is coming to turn things around by signing Berrigan and casey mcguire