NEWS Karmichael Hunt has entered the chat

Karmichael Hunt joined the squad today on a train-and-trial contract, available for selection in a fortnight, potentially against the Roosters in Round 11:

“It’s a massive opportunity. If anyone has followed my career and understands me, I don’t take things up that I don’t want to do or believe I can do."

“For me to accept the opportunity to come back to Red Hill, compete for a position and give my knowledge…I want it just as much as anyone else would want it. I turn up and try to earn my stripes every day. That’s not going to change. I want it just as much as I’ve always wanted it. I always feel like I’ve got stuff to prove and things in my game I need to get better at."

"It’s really no different to if I was at the Waratahs. I go into a season with the mentality to get better. The situation now is that I’m coming back to a game I haven’t played in 12 years at age 34. Externally, people will think of those variables a bit more but for me it’s the same mentality. I’m looking forward to improving, competing and doing my best every week as I normally do.”


One down

“I’ve watched more rugby league since I’ve left than when I was playing. They’ve struggled the last couple of years for different reasons and as an Old Boy it’s been hard to watch. When you’re in these positions, it’s an opportunity to climb out of it. The boys showed some great resilience against the Titans last week and I feel like they’ve got the ability to turn this around quickly. They have the coaching staff to guide them through. As hard as the last couple of years have been for Broncos fans, I feel like there’s a lot of promise moving forward and we can turn that around.”

“I caught up with Kevin Walters a couple of weeks ago before the NRL signed off on the contract and he wanted to get me in for my experience and helping the young group of guys. A big part of it for me is to get in, compete with these young guys and help them out where I can. At the same time, I’m there to compete, too, and play games and give my all every training session."

“Hopefully that gives me an opportunity and my ability and work ethic give me a chance to pull that jersey on. These next few weeks will be about seeing where I’m at. I might need a little bit conditioning-wise, speed-wise and strength-wise. I’m not sure. It’s hard to predict these things when you’ve been out of the game for so long. I feel like I will do a good job to get up to speed.”



State of Origin Captain
Mar 5, 2008
I don’t see what Hunt brings to the team by playing. He looks well past it and I think he gets smoked in first grade.

Kev is all out of options unfortunately. He has about 8 5/8ths at the club and zero organisers or game managers. The team needs a critical spine transplant and there’s no options at the entire club.

I really don’t see what he can do to salvage this season. Maybe hope he can get his defensive structures up to par and pray Staggs has enough points in him to snag some wins.

Defending has become so heavily scrutinised that good defence is no longer enough to win you games. It’s like ISC where winning largely depends on out scoring your opponent and possession is more vital than any other aspect.

I thought I read somewhere on here that someone had seen him play and said that his form was nothing special. So where would he fit into the team?


Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
All I can say is: even if he's slow and unfit, he can't be worse than Milford. He's a competitor, at least.

He may not be worse than Milford but he definitely can be worse than Milford.


Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
I thought I read somewhere on here that someone had seen him play and said that his form was nothing special. So where would he fit into the team?

It’s ironic given the Arthurs quote above because if anywhere he’d probably take Arthurs centre spot. Though the accepted thought seems to be that he will play 5/8.

Yes he would add plenty of experience and knowledge but so did Ben Teo and that wasn’t a raging success, and I think Hunt offers less physically than Teo.


International Captain
May 27, 2013
Hunts comeback might go the same way as mick devere’s. That is he might realise it’s time to retire.


International Rep
Mar 7, 2008
Hunts comeback might go the same way as mick devere’s. That is he might realise it’s time to retire.
I think people make too much of the difference in standard between two good ISC teams and an NRL team. Yes, there's a gap but it's not the gaping chasm some seem to think it is. Cameron Smith was three years older than KHunt and still playing, Bunji Marshall two years older and still playing. KHunt hasn't been getting bashed like those guys for the last 12 years and has been getting tackled by guys both NRL standard and ISC standard for a few months now.

It's not too hard to imagine he might handle it and people should remember this about KHunt, he's one tough, fearless motherfucker. ISC probably gave him a reasonable guide and I wouldn't be surprised if he handles the rest of this season. Hope so too!


NYC Player
Dec 12, 2019
Has he not been booted from every other team (bar the lowly 'Tahs, who didn't want him any more due to form) for major legal transgressions? Doesn't seem like the best influence on the young team.
animal eater

animal eater

QCup Player
Jul 27, 2013
Well, aftet that dismal performance from the team and especially Milf, I think if KHunt doesn't get a run this week at 6, I'm not sure he ever will.


State of Origin Captain
Jun 13, 2019
I think people make too much of the difference in standard between two good ISC teams and an NRL team. Yes, there's a gap but it's not the gaping chasm some seem to think it is. Cameron Smith was three years older than KHunt and still playing, Bunji Marshall two years older and still playing. KHunt hasn't been getting bashed like those guys for the last 12 years and has been getting tackled by guys both NRL standard and ISC standard for a few months now.

It's not too hard to imagine he might handle it and people should remember this about KHunt, he's one tough, fearless motherfucker. ISC probably gave him a reasonable guide and I wouldn't be surprised if he handles the rest of this season. Hope so too!
There is certainly a difference between ISC and the NRL but it's harder to judge with the creative players because they have less quality to work with and that should be put into consideration.

You bring in a half from lower grade in and they could effectively play worse then they did in lower grade by simplifying their game and still made to look good because the quality around them is significantly higher making their role easier and clearer.


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