THE EX Kevin Walters

Look if you can find a decent replacement I would entertain the thought, but at this stage no.

The end of the season has been pathetic, 2020 level disappointing and a few players need to leave but I'm not rushing to look elsewhere, this is a long term job that needs to be done here we accepted when we got him that he is a rookie coach with legendary history at our club we can't be just ready to throw him to the kerb when his history still shows improvement each year he has been here, we can look at getting new people to be around him but we can easily stay in a cycle of shit if we sack him without a good picture of what comes next.
Look if you can find a decent replacement I would entertain the thought, but at this stage no.

The end of the season has been pathetic, 2020 level disappointing and a few players need to leave but I'm not rushing to look elsewhere, this is a long term job that needs to be done here.

Yep. We still need to clean out a few players and have better reserves than rookies or Ryan James.
Haas, Staggs at the top of the list.
So we waste another year?

Lets be honest, we're wasting it regardless. It's going to take at least 1 season for the squad to adjust to a new coach, and for said new coach to stamp their authority on the roster by cutting loose who they don't want and signing the ones they do want.

A new coach = a new rebuild, so you may as well write off 2023 right now.
Look if you can find a decent replacement I would entertain the thought, but at this stage no.

Yeah pretty much, I think the only reason Kevvie survives is because there really is no suitable replacements available for next year.

Kevvie will keep his job see out the final year of his contract, the assistants will take the fall and DD and Ikin will use next year to find a replacement.
The issue now is that we’ve also missed out on Ciraldo and Woolf, who were my 2 preferred options
He'll survive this season, but I can't see his contract being renewed. It's going to take improvement across the board and I think Kev has done everything he can.

It's tough and we're all in a lousy mood, but I'm grateful for the job Kev has done. He had to eat a ton of crow and another coach would have easily jumped on any free agent to try and fix the mess but he allowed the team to move forward. He's made life a lot easier for the next coach who comes into the club and that's really all I expected out of Kev as a coach.
Kevvie stays but gets new assistants and cannot pick the team on his own.
Lets be honest, we're wasting it regardless. It's going to take at least 1 season for the squad to adjust to a new coach, and for said new coach to stamp their authority on the roster by cutting loose who they don't want and signing the ones they do want.

A new coach = a new rebuild, so you may as well write off 2023 right now.
By that logic - we're now writing off two years. If we continue with this shitshow for another year, doesn't work (because definition of insanity right?) so we get a new coach at the end of '23, by your logic that means '24's a write off. So yay?
By that logic - we're now writing off two years. If we continue with this shitshow for another year, doesn't work (because definition of insanity right?) so we get a new coach at the end of '23, by your logic that means '24's a write off. So yay?

More or less, yeah. I know it sucks to hear, but this is the position we're in now. Either we persist with Kev and get more of the same, or we hit the reset button now and have to wait it out to see results anyway.

Either way, you may as well forget that this season and that 7 game streak ever happened, because any benefits it might have brought to the team psychologically has clearly gone straight out the window.