LOLZ! The media never speculate. It is inappropriate to print something you don't know for fact......
My rant, I have remained silent too long reading the dribble for the last few days;
Why the Hunt hatred anyways people? eusa_think I just don't get why you guys are so vocal about his decision? eusa_think
I dont think inglis is in the same category as khunt. Arrogant on field, maybe off field, but surely hes not stupid enough to do the things khunt has
I hope by "stupid" things you simply mean bad behaviour in night clubs? There are many rumours of misbehaviour by old mate Inglis, like there is with 99% of pro sports stars.
How is he a "dog" or whatever everyone else has called him? He said ages ago he was going and he said he will "never play against the Broncos".
To me as a Bronco fan, that is more than enough to ask from a club legend when he decides to leave the sport.
Sailor plays against us when he came back, WB coaches against us. Hunt has declared he loves our club so much, he won't play against us.
What more do you guys want? [icon_shru
How in any way shape or form is a player who; recognises his current contract, gave more than ample time for his notice, and claims he will never play against the Broncos done anything wrong to the club AT ALL? eusa_think
I'd have been more devastated if he had of announced he was signing with Melbourne (which is what the rumours were).
Good luck Hunt, I was more upset when Tuquiri went than you and I got over that, as did my club and code. We will get over you and I hope you are successful and if you ever decide to return to the NRL, please return to the Broncos.