Locky to miss 2 weeks......



Forum Staff
Mar 5, 2008
If we're going to replace Lockyer with a backrower or something, I'd much rather it be Glenn than Gillett.


State of Origin Rep
Jun 26, 2008
Why would we replace Lockyer with a backrower ?

FFS Ivan, you've done well so far this season, don't root it up now !!

The Brizz

Mar 4, 2008
Hunt showed late last week he has some decent plays up his sleeve, the only way we see if he is up to it is throwing him in there.


NRL Player
Aug 29, 2009
I don't think playing Gillett there is that bad of an idea. Worst case we just change mid game.

Just get Mcca and Hunt to do more kicking, since they are both halves anyhow.


International Captain
Senior Staff
Apr 26, 2008
Well it's really 3 weeks apart.
One week till next game, one week after that till 2nd game and a third week after that for his return.

So missing 2 games = 3 weeks rest. If we are going well without him I can see him taking another week off, if we are nosediving then he will return on time.
Bucking Beads

Bucking Beads

International Captain
Mar 5, 2008
ningnangnong said:
If we're going to replace Lockyer with a backrower or something, I'd much rather it be Glenn than Gillett.

really?? Glenn a good player but he doesn't have much ball playing ability IMO. Gillett has a gun offload and played in the 6 last season for Norths.


NRL Player
Mar 31, 2010
Bucking Beads said:
ningnangnong said:
If we're going to replace Lockyer with a backrower or something, I'd much rather it be Glenn than Gillett.

really?? Glenn a good player but he doesn't have much ball playing ability IMO. Gillett has a gun offload and played in the 6 last season for Norths.


Glen wasnt to flash hot against Melbourne in the Semi's last year. Whats wrong with Norman at 6. He is the future Broncos 5/8 so why not give him a run in a big game. Norman and Hunt can swop if something starts to go really wrong which i dobut it will.


Banned User
Mar 10, 2010
Why is everyone saying we have Norman to replace Locky so we will be fine. He has hardly played any games in 1st grade. He has shown us nothing in the havles, he's not going to do anything. Locky injured is very bad for us, he said it won't be until about 6 weeks before it's properly healed. There's a good chance when he comes back after these next two games he could make his injury worse.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
The Rock said:
Our attack might not be crash hot without Lockyer in the next 2 weeks but far out, if we can't beat those 2 shit teams then we won't Go far in the finals.

Eels and the Knights aren't the best defensive teams either, so I don't see us having too many troubles scoring the points needed.

Hmmm, Eels are equal with us on points conceded.

Knights have been sensational the last 2 weeks.

2 absolute danger games.


NRL Player
Mar 31, 2010
tkday said:
Why is everyone saying we have Norman to replace Locky so we will be fine. He has hardly played any games in 1st grade. He has shown us nothing in the havles, he's not going to do anything. Locky injured is very bad for us, he said it won't be until about 6 weeks before it's properly healed. There's a good chance when he comes back after these next two games he could make his injury worse.

We show faith in the young guy and hopefully he plays well. There is no point in rambling on about how we are going to loss without Lockyer. Norman is the future number 6 at the Broncos so lets give him a shot. If we loss the game im 100% sure its not going to be all Normans fault.

Norman is only 18 but has already shown enough to have me condfident he can play. Against the Strom his kicking game was awsome. Against the Rabbits he was very solid. His first game was amazing. For an 18yr old kid to play his first grade debut in front of 50,000 strong crowd and play the way he did was amazing. The kid has got talent and im prepared to show him some faith.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
**** me. tkday jizzes over Wallace like he's the messiah but cries chicken little when Wallace is left to be the senior partner with a youngster.

Calm down buddy. They were excellent against Souths. Sure, they were shit against the Tigers, but it's going to take time for Norman to get consistency at first grade level.

Hopefully it won't be a wet night and the rest of the team will play with the energy they showed against the Dragons, in which case Norman's job will be much easier.


Banned User
Mar 10, 2010
I never Jizzed over him, I said he was struggling this season and that we can't repalce him like everyone was crying because we have no-one better.

Norman has had two good games then. Whoopty doo. Like I said, he's a good player I just don't think he's ready yet. I would love to be proven wrong, because if we had an option to replace Locky when he's injured that's even better. But I would think that Hunt would be better with his game time etc and leave Macca at hooker the whole 80 mins. He's a hard worker and could do that no problems. Anyways, there's hardly a need to tell me to calm down, it looks like you're the one getting all upset.


NRL Player
Mar 4, 2008
Flutterby said:
ningnangnong said:
I'd rather he miss two weeks now than the rest of the season by playing injured.

Absolutely agree with this.

Hope Wallace steps up to really lead the team with Locky out.

Indeed. But I just hope he can recover properly in two weeks. Rib injuries can linger on for a while ala Kemp, granted his was a more severe but nonetheless, and teams are going to try and smash Locky to pieces when he comes back.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
ethos said:
Flutterby said:
ningnangnong said:
I'd rather he miss two weeks now than the rest of the season by playing injured.

Absolutely agree with this.

Hope Wallace steps up to really lead the team with Locky out.

Indeed. But I just hope he can recover properly in two weeks. Rib injuries can linger on for a while ala Kemp, granted his was a more severe but nonetheless, and teams are going to try and smash Locky to pieces when he comes back.

Locky himself said yesterday he's had rib cartilage twice before, and both times it was 3-4 weeks before he was able to play again.

So he's being optimistic saying 2 weeks IMO.

With any luck Norman and Wallace do the job well enough in the next fortnight, and secure 1 if not 2 wins, and thus takes the pressure off Locky a bit to rush back. If the Broncos can win their next 2 games, be solid in the 8, I'd say give Locky another week and aim to come back in the final round against Canberra.

I sure as hell wouldn't want to come back with soft ribs against the Warriors.


State of Origin Captain
Mar 4, 2008
is this season over for us?


State of Origin Captain
Mar 4, 2008
I really hope not, I have such high hopes now. thats twice now Locky fucked himself against the Cowboys


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