Lockyer accused of bar "tackle"

Coxy said:
His point is right, but geez, a bit juvenile saying "they do it too".

Exactly. What a way to get the rest of the Queensland sporting community offside - dump one of them in the shit. I'd be willing to bet a netballer would quite happily trade their low profile for the pay packet a footballer takes home :roll:
Speaking as someone who used to work at casablancas i can tell you that Sarosh is nothing but a liar!!

I haven't seen the footage yet.

But I heard Cullen on the radio this morning, he basically said that this story is just BS.
It's funny though, this whole Broncos saga was being discussed among of a few colleagues today and we all agreed on a couple of things the club could've done better ... Someone should've been "put up" on monday or tuesday (whatever day it was where that crazy car park scene happened ?) to at least issue some kind of statement on what the situation was at that stage (probably Bruno Cullen would've been the guy to do this) ...

What folks don't understand in these situations is that the MORE you give the media the less the media will hound you .. Bruno Cullen makes a short statement straight up on what the situation is / was and suddenly the media has what it wants for the day (just look at the Andrew Symonds case) ... Trad Mclean was totally out of line trying to man-handle some of the camera guys .. that's not his place to do that.

I know it was tough for anyone to say anything at that stage because details were still being sorted out, but in all honesty, but the more up front and to the point people / organisations are with media, the less they'll be subjected to the kind of crap that's been dished up about the Broncos this week ..

I think scenes like what we saw the other day in the car park are disgusting, and one of the reasons why I'm trying to get out of the media (it's a fickle, SH*T of an industry full of wankers, primadonas and people who're simply famous for being famous rather than for anything they actually DO) ...

Anyway, I prefer good news yarns anyday ...
Locky's come out today and said it wasn't him.
Watch the interview of the manager, I seriously reckon he has no clue.
Even if it WAS Lockyer, there is nothing in it.
If it ISN"T, well how unfair is all this?
Bull_Shark said:
It's funny though, this whole Broncos saga was being discussed among of a few colleagues today and we all agreed on a couple of things the club could've done better ... Someone should've been "put up" on monday or tuesday (whatever day it was where that crazy car park scene happened ?) to at least issue some kind of statement on what the situation was at that stage (probably Bruno Cullen would've been the guy to do this) ...

What folks don't understand in these situations is that the MORE you give the media the less the media will hound you .. Bruno Cullen makes a short statement straight up on what the situation is / was and suddenly the media has what it wants for the day (just look at the Andrew Symonds case) ... Trad Mclean was totally out of line trying to man-handle some of the camera guys .. that's not his place to do that.

I know it was tough for anyone to say anything at that stage because details were still being sorted out, but in all honesty, but the more up front and to the point people / organisations are with media, the less they'll be subjected to the kind of crap that's been dished up about the Broncos this week ..

I think scenes like what we saw the other day in the car park are disgusting, and one of the reasons why I'm trying to get out of the media (it's a fickle, SH*T of an industry full of wankers, primadonas and people who're simply famous for being famous rather than for anything they actually DO) ...

Anyway, I prefer good news yarns anyday ...

Shows you what having a good media manager is all about, Tony Durkin would have been on the front foot for sure.

Did Bruno at any stage talk to the media (i.e. read out those press statements we have seen from the club) or did they just release them to print eusa_think
lockyer47 said:
Locky's come out today and said it wasn't him.
Watch the interview of the manager, I seriously reckon he has no clue.
Even if it WAS Lockyer, there is nothing in it.
If it ISN"T, well how unfair is all this?

Well, whoever it was, the person was definitely bald but looked a little short to be Locky, but I wouldn't bet against it. The bar manager is risking a huge lawsuit if his claims are false, so I'm still not 100% on that one. What a big fuggin mess, this week has been a nightmare. One thing for sure is that the person sneaking the 5 or 6 bottles of booze out of the premises is none other than one of the members of the "Fornification Valley 3".
Yes, which heightens the chance he was with some other Broncos.
Who knows?
Judging by the tackling technique, it doesn't look like Locky :)
All I want to know is, who leaked the players names to the papers & what allegedly took place.

Was is one of the police on the case.
kelsey tisdale said:
Well, whoever it was, the person was definitely bald but looked a little short to be Locky, but I wouldn't bet against it.

How could you tell the person was bald.

I couldn't even make out if the person was male or female.

Even if Lockyer tackled the dud what damage was done?? No one was injured as far as you could tell from the video it was more taking the piss than anything. As for taking the grog out of the bar they did pay for it but it doesn't make it right. Most of this week has been media beat ups they are on the rampage for bronco blood. I am sure the media will regret it in the long run as I doubt the Broncos will give the media the time of day in the future.
Beads6 said:
I am sure the media will regret it in the long run as I doubt the Broncos will give the media the time of day in the future.

Hopefully Henjak will be worse then WB in not talking to the media.
I work in a pub as well and I have people taking alcohol or trying to sneak alcohol out to places where it is not licenced all the time. We do exactly what the manager at the bar did.....tell them to bring it back inside.....and guess what.....he did...no fuss no nothing....I can't see what the problem is. Also with the alleged tackle....what a joke...whoever it was was playing around again no harm done at all. I have showed this to my managers at work and everyone had the same reaction.......so what! I can't beleive the media beat up over this....and the manager of the bar...if you were so offended at the behaviour....why didn't you call the club..or the police two weeks ago. This guy is just jumping on the bandwagon.