It's funny though, this whole Broncos saga was being discussed among of a few colleagues today and we all agreed on a couple of things the club could've done better ... Someone should've been "put up" on monday or tuesday (whatever day it was where that crazy car park scene happened ?) to at least issue some kind of statement on what the situation was at that stage (probably Bruno Cullen would've been the guy to do this) ...
What folks don't understand in these situations is that the MORE you give the media the less the media will hound you .. Bruno Cullen makes a short statement straight up on what the situation is / was and suddenly the media has what it wants for the day (just look at the Andrew Symonds case) ... Trad Mclean was totally out of line trying to man-handle some of the camera guys .. that's not his place to do that.
I know it was tough for anyone to say anything at that stage because details were still being sorted out, but in all honesty, but the more up front and to the point people / organisations are with media, the less they'll be subjected to the kind of crap that's been dished up about the Broncos this week ..
I think scenes like what we saw the other day in the car park are disgusting, and one of the reasons why I'm trying to get out of the media (it's a fickle, SH*T of an industry full of wankers, primadonas and people who're simply famous for being famous rather than for anything they actually DO) ...
Anyway, I prefer good news yarns anyday ...