A really good article in the Tele this morning in relation to Madge's mindset and vision for how he's going to go about implememting changes at the club. Main points below:
- plans to create a framework for a Penrith-style dynasty.
- could not believe the amount/size of facilities/resources available.
- are in a premiership window right now.
- has been calling each player for the past 3 weeks asking what they are personally willing to sacrifice for success.
- has called every staff member to get to know them/ask about families.
- pre-season commences on Nov 1, players like Hass will be setting the example and leading the charge.
- all starts from the very first day, slackers will not be tolerated.
- high standards expected in all aspects, on and off the field.
- club will be built on Standards. Discipline, Consistency and Professionalism.
- has no concerns about Reece Walsh, he has the work ethic to live up to his potential but it is about turning up consistently over periods of time.
- looking at the Penrith way of doing things, hard work, connections, every single player buying into the vision and culture of the club.
Lots more but these are some of the main points.