NEWS Milford and Bird being shopped around

Yeah if Bird wants out then he shouldn’t have taken up his player option and looked to Sydney.

Would never have got anywhere near his current money in Sydney.
Much as it hurts us taking up his option was a no brainer for him.
975k fckn hell...where are those clowns who kept repeating ad nauseum that the media were lying and saying it was somewhere around 700k?
Bird is a competitor, he will win games, he looked likely...blah blah blah, fckn delusions.
Watch his 17 games again, no match winning performances whatsoever - great value for 1.95 mil. Might as well flush the other 975k down the drain again in '21, wont make a fckn diff.
He’ll be back winning player of the year awards at 6 under our new coach.
The first three words of that sentence are probably right. I can't see any other club taking him for more than minimum wage. At best he's a depth option for the Warriors or Titans.
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Let them both go, if they can even find somewhere else to go for anywhere near their current money that is, which I doubt.
Jeez, that's a gamble on Bird. Best case he stays, doesn't get hurt and carves up for us. A middling outcome would be if you get a couple hundred grand back in the cap and Bird doesn't kick on or gets injured playing for his new club. Worst case you either pay for most of his contract for him to carve up for another club, or he stays for the whole chunk and gets hurt again. Given his history, I don't think the positive outcomes are terribly likely. I'd love him to stay and kick on here next year, honestly, even if he shipped out straight after. I just don't have much faith.

I wouldn't hire Milf to mow my lawn. Who's gonna pick up even a piece of his million?
Keep bird unless he wants to go
Even if he wants to go we should keep him unless a club is willing to pay most of his salary. You don’t accept a player option like his then expect your employer to allow you to play for another club and still be able to get the full pay.

If he wanted to go back to Sydney then he shouldn’t have accepted his player option and signed somewhere else for less. Otherwise bite the bullet and stay on for the year.
Even if he wants to go we should keep him unless a club is willing to pay most of his salary. You don’t accept a player option like his then expect your employer to allow you to play for another club and still be able to get the full pay.

If he wanted to go back to Sydney then he shouldn’t have accepted his player option and signed somewhere else for less. Otherwise bite the bullet and stay on for the year.
Yup, request release, or play ball son.
Yeah the Bird and Milf situation just highlights another issue with PO. Even if you want to leave the club, unless you get a pay rise somewhere else, always take the option than if the club really doesn’t want you, you get to leave and still get the full amount of your contract regardless. Plenty of ways players can help push a club toward moving them on too.
The reason this Milford and Bird thing has leaked into the media is apparently the Broncos are trying to free up some more funds to put together a $1.5 million dollar/year deal to throw at Cameron Smith.

I can see us having a crack but I honestly cannot see him coming over. If he was ever going to come it was going to be in 2015/16 when he had a change of heart. Don’t know why he would do it now as a one club man at the end of his career with his legacy.

Put it this way, if he was to do it, the amount of respect I would immediately regain for him would go through the roof.
The reason this Milford and Bird thing has leaked into the media is apparently the Broncos are trying to free up some more funds to put together a $1.5 million dollar/year deal to throw at Cameron Smith.

I can see us having a crack but I honestly cannot see him coming over. If he was ever going to come it was going to be in 2015/16 when he had a change of heart. Don’t know why he would do it now as a one club man at the end of his career with his legacy.

Put it this way, if he was to do it, the amount of respect I would immediately regain for him would go through the roof.
Mmmmm, you might be much closer to the truth than you realize. It won't be exactly what you're dreaming about but something is definitely up with that guy.
Milford is the sort of player who will go and join the Storm and absolutely kill it for the next 5 years, I guarantee it. That's what's annoying about this situation.. he clearly needs a fresh start and some new scenery, but I want him to perform HERE. Maybe a complete clean out of the front office and coaching staff over the off-season will give him a new lease on life, I dunno. Something has to change though, he's stagnated so much as a player.
Yep, someone can take Bird full freight or he stays. Milford we should off-load just to remove this cancer from our club. Benji was right about him years ago, the denials are ridiculous when you can see the useless prick has a fucking muffin top, and it’s entirely on the club that they haven’t acted before this.

Run Bird at 5/8 for a year if we have to but it’s time to find a way out of this current busted lot of ”star” players we supposedly have...