Moo moos v raow raows *spoliers*

Graham knocks it on 2 mtrs out from his own goal....Sammit couldn't kick a field goal if you paid him, 2 attempts 2 shockers.

Cows only have 11 players on the field
Hitman said:
Broken or dislocated!? eusa_think

It looked broken, it looked like it was broken at the wrist.

It was just hanging there.

And Southern was screaming in pain. :cry:
Someone paid Sammit, kicked a field goal from like 5 mtrs out hit post bounced across.
Game over 19-18 to the Panthers.

Ref sucked, game you will defiantly hear more about tomorrow
Browny said:
Does ET keep going or does it finish after 5mins each way?

Finishes after 5 mins each way.

Panthers didn't deserve to win that. Couldn't finish off a Cowboy outfit with 12 men, useless!
Check this, wanker had on red boots in the first half, and the bright orange ones in the second, either hes an attention whore or its a sponsorship thing
And Thurston probably cost them the win in extra time. Bloody idiot kicks on the fourth for field position with only 40 seconds remaining in the half. And they were in a pretty good field position already. Could've had a shot at goal from where he was at the time.

Either that it was the worst attempt at a field goal in the history of mankind.
Aeetee said:
Check this, wanker had on red boots in the first half, and the bright orange ones in the second, either hes an attention whore or its a sponsorship thing

He's mini-Aker in more ways than one.
Gould will have his weekly rant about the ref again on the Roast I assume
Sammut's boots must make his kicking cr@p.

Some of those field goal attempts were hopeless, even I would have kicked them.
Browny said:
Was Sammut wearing the punky brewster boots 2nite?

In the first half he was wearing the red ones & the second half they were orange.
Why is everyone paying attention to his boots? You guys are so ghey! [icon_evillaugh
You would have to be blind not to notice them.

I think they would glow in the dark. [icon_evillaugh