I believe that he'll be signing with Souths, and if not the Roosters. Both are clubs that value performance over decency, and both are not limited by the same salary cap as the rest of us. And yes, it's a beat-up article so that Mundine can get his loud head in the Brisbane papers.
BUT, let's just pretend that there is a possibility. Let's make things clear - I believe Ferguson is one of the dumbest, egotistical, most self-worshipping douchebags in the NRL. Seriously, every picture of him that I see with his mouth lazily part-open, in that "I'm so fucking awesome that I'm not even going to show you the respect of controlling my jaw muscles" way, I seriously want to deck him. This guy knows what I mean:
When Carney was on his seventh chance, I honestly didn't think he could turn it around. And I vocally told everyone that he was finished. Again, those dead eyes, that vacuous look in his face that just screams that taking responsibility has never even crossed his mind.
There's just a lot of people that I want to punch, really. But it looks like he finally got his shit together and worked out how to keep his life balanced enough to stay out of the papers and enjoy a consistency in his game that only comes with maturity. And at the Sharks of all places, where Douchebaggery is an Olympic sport.
When Dugan was being sounded out by the Broncos, I'd somewhat come around. I didn't trust him one ounce of course. But if there were strict measures on place, I was willing to give the Broncos the BOD in that they could work with him. His self-destruction vindicated everyone's concerns, of course, that he clearly had not learned his lesson. But the way he tore it up for the Dragons makes me kind of sad that we actually got to him too
early. It was the meltdown that ultimately had to happen, for him to see that a strong club won't cop that shit no matter how good you are, but it would have been nice if it had happened to someone else and we reaped the benefits of someone else's lesson.
Which brings us to Ferguson. Like I said, IMO he's worse than Carney & Dugan in his selfishness. And I don't believe for a second that getting involved with Mundine & Nasser has turned him around. At best, I think between those idiots and the court case, he's been distracted enough to just not want to go out on a bender. And they've done nothing to instill some humility in him, constantly talking him up as potentially the best player in the game, whose talents outshine all around him. Seriously, that's the worst thing they could be doing, re-inforcing that he is so fucking good that people should be falling over themselves to sign him. What he truly needs is a bunch of clubs telling him to his face that despite how good he is, he is just too much of a **** for them to risk their entire organisation on. He needs those hard truths. But once he comes to that realisation, I believe he can turn it around. Once he's broken down, he just needs to be retrained like a farm dog.
Do we go after him? No, it will defeat the purpose. He needs to come to us, or at least guided to us so that he believes that it's a decision that he has to make. But if we can get him to buy in to the Broncos, he'd be a massive signing.