Maybe 5 years ago they would have been unbeatable but not in todays league. There is a reason why they traded for Harden. The clippers are not re signing Leonard or George after this year because they are to unreliable. They might have a shot at re signing Harden if they give him enough cash. I anticipate the clippers will do well for a couple of months then they will implode like usual. They wont beat teams like the Celtics, Suns, Nuggets, Bucks, or the Warriors. Even with the trade i have them maybe around the 6-7th seed in the West.
I think they'll try to re-sign everyone because they have no other options. They can't even tank since they have no draft picks.

think ppl sleep on how good KG was i honestly think id pick him over lebron,far better team mate.

ron burgundy GIF
I hope this Giddey stuff is not true. Not looking good for the bloke.
I mean on first glance it looks pretty damning, but from a couple minutes looking into it it does seem like there is a load of BS being spewed out. I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out to just be a load of shit
I'm not sure if it's a good thing or bad thing that there has been absolutely nothing from the nba or any reputable nba journalist. They don't seem to want to touch it yet. It is thanksgiving though.

There is a heap of videos of the girl on tik tok etc. Not exactly kids content either. Where are the parents? I'm not a parent but jesus cmon. I have heard people say she is 15, 17, 18 and some say she is 21. Who the **** knows. One of the videos mentioned giddey says we in the club. He might have been lied to. Got to be careful. Alot of these kids don't look like kids
I'm not sure if it's a good thing or bad thing that there has been absolutely nothing from the nba or any reputable nba journalist. They don't seem to want to touch it yet. It is thanksgiving though.

There is a heap of videos of the girl on tik tok etc. Not exactly kids content either. Where are the parents? I'm not a parent but jesus cmon. I have heard people say she is 15, 17, 18 and some say she is 21. Who the **** knows. One of the videos mentioned giddey says we in the club. He might have been lied to. Got to be careful. Alot of these kids don't look like kids
Yeah it's so unclear at the moment. No facts as of yet.
The interesting thing I heard was that the legal consent age in Oklahoma is 16? So if she is 16 as what most people says she is hes not in trouble?

But anyway he seems a tad bit creepy
I just don’t believe he is that dumb or that type of person so either this is completely false or she lied about her age. There is a reason media doesn’t seem to want to touch this story with a 10ft pole and it’s cause nobody knows the facts.
In a tweet I saw you could hear giddy say in a video with the girl “I’m at the club”. So if she’s underage, she’s probably lied about her age
If it is false it is fucked, this could completely stain his legacy
He was probably on his way out anyway, with him being the worst of the "big 4", but they were probably hoping to flip him for decent assets. Cason Wallace looks like a better future fit too.
A photo of giddy with the girl meeting at a night club has just been released. Could potentially save his career
The fact that he is playing still and the Thunder have taken this stance - “Just with the information that we have at this point, that’s the decision that we’ve made, it’s really not even a decision to be honest with you” - you would have to think there is some sort of reasonable explanation for this like lying about her age and meeting in a club.
have read elsewhere that the age of consent in Oklahoma is 16... which is morally wrong IMO but probably saves his ass in reality.