ANNOUNCEMENT News: the carnival is over

I assume someone who has read the article can still paraphrase it for the rest of us. They just can’t put the exact article up. It would even be fair use to include some quotes because there is nothing wrong with discussing the news and using quotes for context as long as the bulk of the article isn’t cut and pasted.
I could, but I already spent a fair bit of time fartarsing with the text to make it more presentable. Running up a Cliff's Notes sounds a bit like a job. One which doesn't pay, for people who abuse me for being the messenger.
whats the difference between this and having a communal newspaper at work in the lunchroom? One person has paid but 100 can read it for free? The only difference is the ads and the rest of the junk in the paper that people have ‘read’ along the way.
@McHunt covered most of it, but it's the scale as much as anything else . 10 people might get a chance to read the communal paper over lunch/smoko or whatever, while a few hundred can read it when pasted here.

It would certainly be an interesting exercise for them to make broncos articles free access and see if it drives additional traffic which could be used to justify bumping ad charges.
Also, I'll take the lead from BHQ Staff on this. I won't be posting any news, of any kind, until there's some new guidelines in place. I've been watching my message count and notice it's still dropping.
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News Ltd owns the Broncos. News Ltd owns the Courier Mail. The Courier Mail is surely the number one publisher of negative Broncos stories. Rupert is no fool. He knows that there is more money to be made by bagging the Broncos than praising them. One of his 'journos' make up a story about the Broncos, one of his people from within the Broncos refutes the story. This goes backwards & forwards for days. Clickbait. Sells ads. Makes money from a situation where News Ltd people start & control both sides of the story. He didn't get filthy rich by being dumb.
News Ltd owns the Broncos. News Ltd owns the Courier Mail. The Courier Mail is surely the number one publisher of negative Broncos stories. Rupert is no fool. He knows that there is more money to be made by bagging the Broncos than praising them. One of his 'journos' make up a story about the Broncos, one of his people from within the Broncos refutes the story. This goes backwards & forwards for days. Clickbait. Sells ads. Makes money from a situation where News Ltd people start & control both sides of the story. He didn't get filthy rich by being dumb.
Like I said, the Broncos is a soap opera. It's Big Brother, with kids from troubled homes getting rich quick and falling apart in the public eye.
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Also, I'll take the lead from BHQ Staff on this. I won't be posting any news, of any kind, until there's some new guidelines in place. I've been watching my message count and notice it's still dropping.

Because the removal is a manual process, it was easier to just nuke the threads in the meantime. We will then edit those threads and remove offending content so we can bring the discussion back.
What if McHunt records himself reading it out loud with some autotune to make it sound like a song and upload it to youtube?
But I'd have to do the dance as well.
Speaking strictly as a user here, I wouldn't even post links. Don't give the shit ***** ad revenue, if you do check their site make sure you have an ad blocker on and block cookies.

Let's support websites like SMH who don't paywall and aren't owned by the shit News LTD organisation.

Someone can always just say "Badel spewing shit again, reckons Milf to Tigers". That'll do, they can't copyright our opinions of a story, just their shit content itself.
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Speaking strictly as a user here, I wouldn't even post links. Don't give the shit ***** ad revenue, if you do check their site make sure you have an ad blocker on and block cookies.
Let's support websites like SMH who don't paywall and aren't by the shit News LTD organisation.
SMH rarely, if ever, posts Broncos news. Also, they do have a limit on the number of free articles per month. If you're blocking cookies, you're basically bypassing their paywall. Also **** Fairfax and their political propaganda.
SMH rarely, if ever, posts Broncos news. Also, they do have a limit on the number of free articles per month. If you're blocking cookies, you're basically bypassing their paywall. Also **** Fairfax and their political propaganda.
They're a level lower on the disease scale, there's really no other options unfortunately. It's basically a duopoly.
They're a level lower on the disease scale, there's really no other options unfortunately. It's basically a duopoly.
News LTD skews right but it has a wider range of opinion than Fairfax. SMH specializes in stories written by women who are annoyed by bogans doing stuff they consider so last month like serving labna to dinner party guests, and stories about bad weather that are supposed to scare you into voting Labor.
SMH rarely, if ever, posts Broncos news. Also, they do have a limit on the number of free articles per month. If you're blocking cookies, you're basically bypassing their paywall. Also **** Fairfax and their political propaganda.
Yes they do have a limit, but when your limit is reached you can then go to Brisbane Times and The Age & reach your limit at both of those as well.