ANNOUNCEMENT News: the carnival is over

So when we starting up that BHQ news outlet
We've actually floated the idea behind the scenes over the years.

How many people would be interested in contributing, either on a regular or casual basis?

Any expressions of interest?

Match reports, opinion pieces, game analysis, etc.
We've actually floated the idea behind the scenes over the years.

How many people would be interested in contributing, either on a regular or casual basis?

Any expressions of interest?

Match reports, opinion pieces, game analysis, etc.

Ill put my hand up to be a critic
Are there any non bronxnation types running blogs? We could give them better exposure instead.
At least this will reduce the weekly propaganda from the club that gets a run.
At least this will reduce the weekly propaganda from the club that gets a run.
True when there's no one reading Peter Badel's articles and getting outraged there's no reason to hold a press conference
Are there any non bronxnation types running blogs? We could give them better exposure instead.
Honestly, I'd recommend reaching out to Mitch and Simo at the BroncosWeekly Podcast. I think working with them to build both sides would be a good idea. They might even involve some of us on their show to chat shit every once in a while. Many of their listeners would be an asset to BHQ as well, but have negative views based on how it used to be/opinions on other Broncos fans (FB).
I'm certain that upon hearing about the death of Murdoch, the world is gonna party.

It's tough times in the newspaper game. The Courier Mail primarily generates revenue from three sources: subscriptions; advertisers; and sponsored content, which often masquerades as news (like the travel section). Unless you're extra-ordinarily techno-illiterate you will be blocking ads, so paying for content is becoming increasingly important.

News on the Broncos is a special case. There's a vested interest there from the parent company. The brand is run like an ongoing soap opera, played out across all media, but most of all, in the Courier Mail.

There's a case to be made that making Broncos content free is beneficial for their brand and possibly a gateway drug to making you want to pay to read more stories in the newspaper proper.

It's hard to say whether providing Broncos' news free on the site, and through other sites, would be net profitable for News LTD and even the Courier Mail, but it's a discussion worth having.
My thoughts exactly. This will just lead me to have less interest in the club, leading me to buy less merch, possibly even miss away games that are in Sydney or elsewhere on tv for something else to do.

Which any further decline of interest will lead me to rethink and possibly cancel my season membership.

Broncos content should not be behind a paywall
@McHunt covered most of it, but it's the scale as much as anything else . 10 people might get a chance to read the communal paper over lunch/smoko or whatever, while a few hundred can read it when pasted here.

It would certainly be an interesting exercise for them to make broncos articles free access and see if it drives additional traffic which could be used to justify bumping ad charges.
Exactly. That's a far smarter business model.. subscribers will just switch away.

Getting shit tonne of traffic will easily command greater ad dollars and more interest, more memberships.
Let us all cancel our Foxtel's in reply.

Copy and pastes are out of the question...but are TL:DR versions of the articles?
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Let us all cancel our Foxtel's in reply.

Copy and pastes are out of the question...but are TL:DR versions of the articles?

You should have done that a year ago. Kayo has been a thing for that long and it is awesome.
Is there a way to get around this? Can people just post the tldr of an article or do it like a high school copy paste assignment by changing a few words ?