Not a happy club


Anyway. Is she actually being called out for not being capable of doing it because she's a female? Who said that, call them out, cause that's pretty shit, and I missed it.

I don't know who I would personally pick, I'm not a sports administrator with the connections to know who, hell, I'm not even against this person, whoever she is. But I guess I was hoping for someone we would see the name and think "Yeah, they're going to fuckin fix this shit".
B4l was replying to me. I didnt say ANYTHING about her not being able to do it due to her gender.

This type of defensive and reactive response does more harm then good. Saying a female isn't right for a job is VERY VERY DIFFERENT to saying a female can't do a job because they are a woman. I've given her more equality then what b4l has by not factoring in her gender at all, simply considering her on the merit of her cv..
neither of you need any fucking help with that
I'll need to take your word on it, it is completely obvious that you are the expert.

For a start I didn't ask you who you would pick and I am not sure why the person I asked needs you to answer for them. My point was to him that he is saying this person is not suitable so I would have thought it incumbent on them to provide an alternative.

I thought I had called it out already, can't remember what it was but it was about needing someone from a men's sport or some bullshit.

Fine mate I have a feminist agenda, whatever keeps you happy.
For a start, I don't care who you asked, I engaged you in conversation, did you expect me to talk about butterflies?

Why do you think that? Having an opinion of not liking something, doesn't mean you have to have a solution or another option to make that opinion valid.

What were the posters reasons? Honestly, I'm not going back to read over the dribble over a review we all agree will have no outcome, but if someone actually make a sexist remark, could you at the very least report it for us?
Does it matter who is doing the review? The important question is will anything change as a result?

The fact is this club has been on a backwards slide for years. The board have made a number of bad decisions and yet they all remain there, so what if she finds something wrong? The club loves to preach accountability but no one high up takes it.
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Does it matter who is doing the review? The important question is will anything change as a result?

The fact is this club has been on a backwards slide for years. The board have made a number of bad decisions and yet they all remain there, so what if she finds something wrong? The club loves to preach accountability but no one high up takes it.
100%. If the review comes back and finds that hot Karl should be thrown into the sun and Paul White posthumously billed for all the damage he's done here, what's actually going to happen? Same thing as the review we had after getting a record towelling from the Eels in 2019. The execs will come out and blame our former coach, say the club has learned a lesson, ask the fans for patience then get right back to handing multi-year player options out to any rubbish Isaac Moses throws in our direction.
Review is due next week, she started a month ago.
Perfect. I am assuming that no moves will happen until they have looked over the recommendations and confirmed they will implement none of them which gives the rest of the competition enough time to sign Staggs and Dearden. Happy days, the club will be happy to maintain their status as the best feeder club for the rest of the competition.
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Behind a paywall. Maybe someone can help.

Behind a paywall. Maybe someone can help.

Basically just says the review will be finalised in the next week and until then any contract announcements are on ice. Goes on to state that it will mean Nov 1 comes and goes and your players hit the open market essentially. Not much in it.
I'm certainly not excusing us taking so long to organise a review that we realistically knew we'd probably need back in July/August, but I do think the November 1 date is fairly meaningless anyway.

Technically no one can approach or sign our players until then, but only a fool would believe Managers aren't sounding out other clubs and gauging levels of interest long before this time. You can guarantee his Manager has a very good idea of what other clubs might be interested in him or our other players for example, as well as what they might be prepared to pay.

Similarly, it's not like Dearden is sitting around waiting until November 1 to sign a deal and rack off elsewhere. Any sensible Manager would being advising him to give the Broncos a chance to see what they want to table before signing elsewhere, otherwise he has no way to leverage a Broncos offer against what he could get elsewhere and then use this to drive the price up either way.

Basically, we should have begun this review a long time ago but even with our slow response it's still unlikely to be a case of the floodgates opening as soon as November 1 rolls around.
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Broncos fans, brace yourselves to hear what you already know. Broncos board, brace yourselves for another uncomfortable but ultimately meaningless round of Fukushima did this wrong but don’t care.
Basically just says the review will be finalised in the next week and until then any contract announcements are on ice. Goes on to state that it will mean Nov 1 comes and goes and your players hit the open market essentially. Not much in it.
No signing announcements is a very different thing to no signings