CROSS FORUM NRL 2023 Round 26 Discussion

What a surprise to see Civo hamming it up yet again. For somebody built like a truck and a neck like a tree trunk, he surprisingly collapses so easily 🙄
Did the those dopey pricks really think that wasn't an 8 point try? Arrogance
Well they got the chance for the 8 point try thanks to the foul play. Sometimes you'd almost be better not scoring to get the sinbin in play.
ANOTHER high shot from Luai, all good though, not in his game.
Parra just keep going Sivo and he is tearing them to shreds.
There's like 3 penrith defenders there and they still got stripped like they went with an up and in defence... really poor defence there
**** hey. let's go Eels ....

now I feel dirty
Wow, Donkey fans death riding Pennies… objective view of course, what reason would they possibly have to barrack for the Unagi.


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