NRL General Discussion Thread

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On the warriors official website hahaha....
Maroon is definitely the boy who cried wolf, everyone else could take the hits but with him you knew sooner or later he was going to blow his lid off, he is too fragile.
I listen to that show every Sunday and must admit I was surprised by the drama that eventuated that day.. As you point out, those guys give it to each other in spades and until the other day it always came across as good natured, with Maroon in particular very good at absorbing what the others would throw at him and giving more than a bit back..
To me it always sounded like four blokes who were so comfortable with each other that they could riff on each other, leave it there and then come back a week later and do it all again..

Clearly though, Maroon had an issue with that one particular thread the others would tug at during the show.. If he did make that known to the other guys, then it was poor on their behalf to continue going after him about it.. if it caught them unawares, I really can’t understand why, in Kent’s case, he can’t just say ‘fair enough mate, I wasn’t aware, I’m sorry and it won’t be repeated’ ..

It seems to be such a common thing amongst the big dogs in Sydney media (your Hadleys, Alan Jones, John Singleton, John Laws et al) to have these massive & terminal falling outs.. It’s such an angry place
Magic Round is staying in Brisbane for another year.

Brisbane will host it again for 2023 and beyond that, who knows? But it should stay in Brisbane. **** taking it around the country.

Just say to the NRL that if you want to shift Magic Round around, the Grand Final will need to be too.
Magic Round is staying in Brisbane for another year.

Brisbane will host it again for 2023 and beyond that, who knows? But it should stay in Brisbane. **** taking it around the country.
Suncorp really is a great location for it.

Dry fast track regardless of time or day (excluding rain) making for entertaining football, the field holds up for the amount of games played on it, great view regardless of where you sit, Suncorp is a big location with space available around it to have various other things going on, large amount of corporate seating, the stadium is right next to Caxton Street and many many more reasons.

The calls to take it to Sydney is just absolutely ridiculous... Sydney siders don't even go to games even though they have 3, 4 or 5 a week. ANZ stadium or whatever it is now is a horrible venue to actually watch league at, is a pain to get to and is dewy for every night game.

Most other locations around the country are setup for AFL and oval grounds are trash to watch league at... and will the locals really want to attend all 3 days or will they be relying on NSW'men and Qld'ers travelling to Adelaide/Perth/Melbourne for the weekend.

Townsville stadium isn't big enough.

NZ weather is typically poor, but maybe they have a decent enough rectangle stadium for it given the union influence... if it were to be held over there for god sake please put the majority of the games during the day.

NSWRL will probably get their way in the end and take it away from Brisbane... and it will probably fail
I listen to that show every Sunday and must admit I was surprised by the drama that eventuated that day.. As you point out, those guys give it to each other in spades and until the other day it always came across as good natured, with Maroon in particular very good at absorbing what the others would throw at him and giving more than a bit back..
To me it always sounded like four blokes who were so comfortable with each other that they could riff on each other, leave it there and then come back a week later and do it all again..

Clearly though, Maroon had an issue with that one particular thread the others would tug at during the show.. If he did make that known to the other guys, then it was poor on their behalf to continue going after him about it.. if it caught them unawares, I really can’t understand why, in Kent’s case, he can’t just say ‘fair enough mate, I wasn’t aware, I’m sorry and it won’t be repeated’ ..

It seems to be such a common thing amongst the big dogs in Sydney media (your Hadleys, Alan Jones, John Singleton, John Laws et al) to have these massive & terminal falling outs.. It’s such an angry place
Probably because he doesn't feel the need to and I get that. I'm no Kent fan, I think he's a twit, but he's not wrong here. These 4 guys give it to each other, they give it and they take it, and 1 guy suddenly spits the dummy and walks out - now he's a hero for standing up to the bullies. It's a joke.

When I read "we live in a world of snowflakes" I cheered, it's so true and I'm sick of it. It's just a shame it was Kent that wrote it LOL
Probably because he doesn't feel the need to and I get that. I'm no Kent fan, I think he's a twit, but he's not wrong here. These 4 guys give it to each other, they give it and they take it, and 1 guy suddenly spits the dummy and walks out - now he's a hero for standing up to the bullies. It's a joke.

When I read "we live in a world of snowflakes" I cheered, it's so true and I'm sick of it. It's just a shame it was Kent that wrote it LOL
Mate, if you've been asked to stop bringing something up by someone and keep going you're a flog. This isn't about the sensitive souls who are offended by everything. Between my mates there's plenty of shit we can give each other but there's things you wouldn't say and if they said they didn't like something you just don't keep going.

Maroon has asked all of them numerous times to stop, he's taken a stand and walked out. He's not being a "snowflake" here. Paul Kent is such a snowflake that he won't even get on Twitter or face any criticism for his shit takes, by the way.
Probably because he doesn't feel the need to and I get that. I'm no Kent fan, I think he's a twit, but he's not wrong here. These 4 guys give it to each other, they give it and they take it, and 1 guy suddenly spits the dummy and walks out - now he's a hero for standing up to the bullies. It's a joke.

When I read "we live in a world of snowflakes" I cheered, it's so true and I'm sick of it. It's just a shame it was Kent that wrote it LOL
There's some news floating around that Paul Kent will no longer be part of the Sunday show.. like him or loathe him, there's no denying he's one of the very few journalists remaining who isn't afraid to stand up and call things exactly as he sees things and cut through the bullshit. He might lack a bit in empathy, as we've certainly seen in recent days, but when he talks football and issues relating to the game, he's riveting imo.

So safe to say I won't be tuning in nearly as much to Sunday Triple M if he's not part of it.
Mate, if you've been asked to stop bringing something up by someone and keep going you're a flog. This isn't about the sensitive souls who are offended by everything. Between my mates there's plenty of shit we can give each other but there's things you wouldn't say and if they said they didn't like something you just don't keep going.

Maroon has asked all of them numerous times to stop, he's taken a stand and walked out. He's not being a "snowflake" here. Paul Kent is such a snowflake that he won't even get on Twitter or face any criticism for his shit takes, by the way.
Cult nailed it. It’s the Aussie way to take the piss out of your mates but when it’s obvious that it’s affecting someone, that’s the time to stop. Kent and Hooper should have read the room but they carried on regardless like a couple of twelve year olds.
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