Sometimes maybe, but he's also very dismissive of other people's opinions if they don't align with his own.
Like the Tino on Api incident early in the year he was going on about it every time a new person came onto the show, so every day and just about every segment.
Every person that came on had the opposite opinion to him, but he kept bringing it up to everyone to try and find one person that would align with him.
Even last night when they were talking about Latrell being lazy Read had an issue with the wording that Braith used... something like "Latrell isn't playing for the jersey", and Read was saying something like "it's a bad look, but you can't say he isn't playing for the jersey" ... Braith responded with you're off your head and wanted to bypass the opinion altogether.
He's constantly belittling in that sort of fashion where he just dismisses someone else's comment.