NRL Players and family members in hot water

Honestly don't know if he needs another chance in this particular instance. For mine he didn't really do much wrong. Sure it's disgusting, but I'd argue what Paul Carter did was 193x worse than this.

Bad PR yes, but he's committed no crime here and hasn't hurt anybody other than himself and his team-mates. That said, I wouldn't want us to even touch him with a 10 foot pole.
This dickhead will disgrace whatever club he's attached to, not worth it for anyone.
The sacking is a bit over the top in my view mainly based on the fact that he didn't commit a crime or anything serious he was simply being an idiot and trying to be funny. I would've just suspended him for a short time and given him a strict talking to.
The sacking is a bit over the top in my view mainly based on the fact that he didn't commit a crime or anything serious he was simply being an idiot and trying to be funny. I would've just suspended him for a short time and given him a strict talking to.

He has major form for off field dramas.

He has had so many chances to 'reform' & he hasn't learnt a thing.

He has been sacked from 2 other clubs & it still didn't get through his thick head.
How many talkings to does he get though? He's been fired and de-registered in the past.
He absolutely deserves to be sacked.

If he had a clean record prior to this, you could argue that sacking him was harsh. But this guy has had chance, after chance, after chance, and still manages to do utterly fucking stupid shit to bring shame to his club.

He'll let down whomever ends up signing him.

This scumbag has been done for drink driving three times - three fucking times! He should be in jail.
Honestly don't know if he needs another chance in this particular instance. For mine he didn't really do much wrong. Sure it's disgusting, but I'd argue what Paul Carter did was 193x worse than this.

Bad PR yes, but he's committed no crime here and hasn't hurt anybody other than himself and his team-mates. That said, I wouldn't want us to even touch him with a 10 foot pole.

I do agree but with his history this time of thing is just the straw the broke the camels back IMO.
His history is what has brought his sacking upon him if he didn't have a record there wouldn't be a such a fiasco.

He absolutely deserves to be sacked.

If he had a clean record prior to this, you could argue that sacking him was harsh. But this guy has had chance, after chance, after chance, and still manages to do utterly ****ing stupid **** to bring shame to his club.

He'll let down whomever ends up signing him.

This scumbag has been done for drink driving three times - three ****ing times! He should be in jail.

Rothfield called for him to be jailed while he was at the Roosters and he hunted him around like a cat following it's prey. Rothfield hates the Roosters and takes any chance he has to bag them.
Honestly don't know if he needs another chance in this particular instance. For mine he didn't really do much wrong. Sure it's disgusting, but I'd argue what Paul Carter did was 193x worse than this.

Bad PR yes, but he's committed no crime here and hasn't hurt anybody other than himself and his team-mates. That said, I wouldn't want us to even touch him with a 10 foot pole.
I beg to differ. Sharks are looking for a sponsor and this will hurt them as well
He's not posing for a fan....the person who took the photo clearly knows him. What Carney's doing aside, what a **** act by whoever took the pic.

With the guys track record, him being sacked doesn't surprise me at all tbh. Especially considering the club he's with....ASADA, trouble with sponsors etc.
Julian O'Neill was sacked from basically every club he joined yet there was always someone willing to take him on.

But he did some fun things, like shitting in shoes & was accused of drunkenly attempting to set fire to a 13 year old boy who was wearing a foam rubber dolphin mascot suit. :tongue_smilie:
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Two more on my bucket list. That second one is fantastic.
Actually, let's sign him. It's a miracle he isn't in jail, and if he wasn't an NRL player he probably would be. So there's our answer - pay him predominantly with 3rd party payments from a solicitor. "NRL & X Solicitors - Your ticket to freedom!" [pic of Carney & his tatts walking triumphantly out of court]. Simples.
I'm sorry, but if a police officer was right behind him when he did this he would absolutely get arrested for drunk and disorderly or something.