NRL Players and family members in hot water

Well he would say that, wouldn't he. If his bullshit with drugs had come out before he retired, as fucking if Newcastle would have sacked him.

The simple fact of the matter is is that Carney has had more chances at a fairytale redemption story than any other player in the NRL.

How the f**k is it, that a player with as much talent as he has can piss on the NRL (yeah yeah, whatever) so many times and expect things to happen differently when he goes and does something he knows is stupid? And he does know it, I refuse to believe a guy that can come across as so down to earth when he isn't on the piss (Yep) can be that retarded. If he thinks so little of being a superstar player in one of the biggest sporting codes in the country than he deserves to be exactly where he is.

Todd, if by some miracle you're reading this, you have taken what could've been a solid gold career and thrown it into the dirt mate. For your own sake post football, I hope you take a long hard look at yourself because there won't be a 4th time lucky unless Ricky Stuart is desperate enough to throw you a bone.

As for Cronulla, not much more can be said about them that hasn't already been said. Everything we've heard this year coming out of that club has been nothing impressive. They have ASADA circling them like vultures over a carcass, they are being coached by a dude who couldn't give a f**k and they couldn't pay anyone themselves to put their logo on their jerseys just to save face.

I legit feel sorry for all of those clubs like North Sydney and potential clubs like the Pirates who are serious about being a brand that can bring about real positive change in the NRL who have to sit back and watch this circus drag on year after year. It is not a good look for the competition, and I know the Shire fans hate hearing it and I would too, but even they cannot deny at this point that this is becoming a joke.

Alas, it's just another week in the life of a rugby league fan. Another extremely talented young player has pissed away (yep, whatever) their career and probably their future and a club that refuses to get their shit together has let him slip through their fingers and it has made both him and them look like absolute tits. I love Rugby League and I always will but it is fair dinkem full to the brim with some of the biggest wankers you will ever see and something must be done to curb this rot.

Fantastic post, agree with all points
Andrew Johns saying that Carney shouldn't be sacked because he wasn't hurting anyone, that logic sounds freakishly similar to the "we won't suspend you Reynolds because you didn't break Brent Tate's neck" logic
Can't see why he's on every channel 9 nrl program in existence..
Well the person who took the photo, left his twitter account open earlier this year & a friend of his posted a homophobic tweet & Carney's friend got a 24 week ban from League. (not NRL)

His brother (Carney's friend) plays in the NRL.

I'm so confused, so you're saying Carney's friends brother posted this photo online? Who happens to be Bryson Goodwins brother, or was it someone elses brother or friend who posted the photo, or is this post completely unrelated to the pissing photo..

Johns is a fucking retard. Pure and simple. He's taken too many head knocks. The fact 9 employ useless dickheads like him makes me hate them more and more.
It's staggering that Johns can't see the bigger picture. Carney has hurt his employers image, an employer who is struggling to stay afloat, is in the midst of a drugs scandal, is struggling on the field, is struggling to repair it's public image and is struggling to attract sponsors.

The guy is a fucktard of the worst kind.
It's staggering that Johns can't see the bigger picture. Carney has hurt his employers image, an employer who is struggling to stay afloat, is in the midst of a drugs scandal, is struggling on the field, is struggling to repair it's public image and is struggling to attract sponsors.

The guy is a fucktard of the worst kind.

Agreed. It's more baffling that anyone would ask this twit his opinion on Carney

It's like asking Ted Bundy his thoughts on Jack the ripper
When asked to confirm that it was one of Carney's ''friends'' who released the photo, he replied: "I use that word loosely.''

"The person who took the photo contacted me this morning by text and said 'My phone got lost' - supposedly - and that's how the photo got out. It was meant to be a joke."

Riolo denied reports this morning that the five-eighth had committed two previous, potentially more serious breaches of Cronulla's code of conduct earlier this year that may have made this weekend's sacking inevitable.

"There's been no serious allegations that I'm aware of that have come across my desk in writing," he said.

Todd Carney's agent attacks Sharks |

In one breath Riolo denies there were 2 previous breaches & in the next breath he isn't aware of anything coming across his desk.
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What's worse is that this scandal has made people portray Rugby League players as useless bogans again which angers me to no end. Yes there is a problem here with Carney but what about the countless others in other sports that get into unsavoury business and they completely ignore the tireless work Rugby League does in the community and how hard these professional sportsmen train to get the best out of themselves and their fans.

99.9% of Rugby League players and people are normal people making a living, supporting their families and getting paid well to do something they love and have a passion for. The people who say otherwise are just stupid and ignorant.
"The person who took the photo contacted me this morning by text and said 'My phone got lost' - supposedly - and that's how the photo got out. It was meant to be a joke."
Didn't he try this one on last time?
Happened two Saturdays ago? Can he be banned retrospectively and therefore we get the 2 points from Friday because they fielded an illegal team???
Good work by the NRL, I was afraid the Roosters would get away with it. I'm glad the NRL has rejected his registration.
Wow, the NRL surprising me positively, that's a first in like... ever!
It looks like he's on the right track.. but that doesn't really mean his problems are fully behind him.. @ToddCarney
Carney didn't know the photo was taken. (What a crock of shit)


Carney took aim at Cronulla chief executive Steve Noyce, who sacked Carney when he was the boss at the Roosters in 2011.

“I got a phone call late yesterday afternoon and he asked me what I thought should happen,” Carney said.

“I said that I wanted an opportunity to talk to the players firstly and talk to the board and the staff. He said he’d let me know about that. After he sat down and then the boys got a text message 10 minutes later saying there is a release that’s going to happen. I felt betrayed and lied to.

"It’s hard to say if it’s personal. He was my previous CEO at the Roosters who terminated my contract. If there was someone else who was in control I don’t think I would be sacked.”

Todd Carney felt 'sick' when he received obscene photo in a message

Carney is more fucked in the head than what I thought.
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Though I don't think the bubbling warrants a life time ban, I don't think the NRL needs to stop feeling intimidated by their stars.

Superstars leave all the time and the game goes on, soon everyone forgets about them. I'm stoked with Furgos contract being denied and I think the NRL should look closely at how his absence impacts the code for the rest of the year. My prediction is not at all.

Drink drivers, woman abusers, violent crime, sack and ban all of them regardless of their stardom. The game will go on without.

Sonny Bill left and will leave again, Benji left, Falou, khunt left, yow yeh injured, etc. These are all huge names that didn't commit a crime and the game as a whole didn't miss a stride without them. So piss of the actual scum and stop letting them hold the game ransom.
Though I don't think the bubbling warrants a life time ban, I don't think the NRL needs to stop feeling intimidated by their stars.

Superstars leave all the time and the game goes on, soon everyone forgets about them. I'm stoked with Furgos contract being denied and I think the NRL should look closely at how his absence impacts the code for the rest of the year. My prediction is not at all.

Drink drivers, woman abusers, violent crime, sack and ban all of them regardless of their stardom. The game will go on without.

Sonny Bill left and will leave again, Benji left, Falou, khunt left, yow yeh injured, etc. These are all huge names that didn't commit a crime and the game as a whole didn't miss a stride without them. So piss of the actual scum and stop letting them hold the game ransom.

Testify! With you all the way on that one.