NRL Players and family members in hot water

It's a nice sentiment but you're looking past information that has been made available and instead deciding to not pay attention to any of it. Everything points at the players knowing something was up and just like you're doing, they didn't ask questions, apparently.

Being ignorant =/= being innocent
It's a nice sentiment but you're looking past information that has been made available and instead deciding to not pay attention to any of it. Everything points at the players knowing something was up and just like you're doing, they didn't ask questions, apparently.
I look past it because I only have partial evidence. Looking past it doesn't mean I'm unaware of it or pay it no heed. There isn't any point in me asking questions as I have no power to act on any knowledge gained so it's utterly futile. If you want to fill your hours asking questions and investigating, be my guest.
How likely is this thread to get a nudge over the weekend with every NRL player in the country in one place?
All of the likelys.

More to the point, how many barrel-scraping Journos & photographers are going to be out in the wee hours sneaking through what passes as Brisbane's "night spots"? My bet is that there will be some carnage out on the Coast here.
I still never understand why clubs don’t keep the good times in house.

Get a private area. Tell them if the want girls they’ll get girls on, they want guys they’ll get guys in. There is a bowl and the phones and cameras go in there boys and what happens in this room stays in the room.
How likely is this thread to get a nudge over the weekend with every NRL player in the country in one place?
Funny, I was only thinking this a couple of hours ago. The scum will be nrl player hunting, the arsehole friends will have their phones handy. I'd say even money a **** up.
Seems pretty simple, doesn’t it? Baffles me, too!
A few years back, a team did do their Mad Monday in house (Cronulla, I think) and they still got reamed by the papers the next day. They seriously can't win.
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A few years back, a team did do their Mad Monday in house (Cronulla, I think) and they still got reamed by the papers the next day. They seriously can't win.
Even the most recent bulldogs mad monday scandal was in a private area and DT got some photos. Watch Buzz try to defend his scummy organisation.

Even the most recent bulldogs mad monday scandal was in a private area and DT got some photos. Watch Buzz try to defend his scummy organisation.

News LTD was right to post those pictures. If Bulldogs players want to grab each others penises, put their penises in beer glasses and etc they should do it the privacy of their own houses. The craze for NRL players to get naked a few years ago (not sure if it's still the case) was ridiculous. They should keep such homosexual tendencies to the privacy of their own residences. I mean, I don't care if they go to gay bars but they shouldn't get naked in public!
News LTD was right to post those pictures. If Bulldogs players want to grab each others penises, put their penises in beer glasses and etc they should do it the privacy of their own houses. The craze for NRL players to get naked a few years ago (not sure if it's still the case) was ridiculous. They should keep such homosexual tendencies to the privacy of their own residences. I mean, I don't care if they go to gay bars but they shouldn't get naked in public!

Define "public". The only way the photographers were able to get those shots was by gaining access to private residences (not public) or by deliberately climbing up in to areas that no one would ordinarily go.

The only photos that were genuinely in public were the ones of the player vomiting, while fully clothed.

As to the claims of it being a result of anything homosexual, I warn you to be very careful, and warn other members to be very careful in responding, because it can easily tread in to discussions that can land this site in to trouble. Consider this an official staff warning.
Allegedly Mark Geyer’s daughter Montana Geyer was charged with Cocaine possession by police in Sydney yesterday, reported in Daily Telegraph.

The Daily Telegraph (@dailytelegraph) Tweeted:
Mark Geyer’s daughter to face court for drug possession. Via @avabmorrison @BrendenHills

She is also taking defamation action against the creator of the ‘NRL Memes’ social media page in unrelated news...

Allegedly Mark Geyer’s daughter Montana Geyer was charged with Cocaine possession by police in Sydney yesterday, reported in Daily Telegraph.

The Daily Telegraph (@dailytelegraph) Tweeted:
Mark Geyer’s daughter to face court for drug possession. Via @avabmorrison @BrendenHills

She is also taking defamation action against the creator of the ‘NRL Memes’ social media page in unrelated news...

Pretty grubby journalism for the coke charge. Does anyone really care what the daughter of an ex player is up to?

Does kind of fly in the face of the goodgirl persona she tried to put on after the sex tape allegations though.