NRL Players and family members in hot water

Hayne plans to appeal and I don't blame him one bit for doing that. Her story stinks to high heaven. I'm not saying he hasn't done stuff wrong but I don't find her story cohesive either. She texts him that she knew he was blind drunk yet told the police he was perfectly capable of using her laptop, navigating the internet and getting YouTube and ed sheeran going. That's not blind drunk. I mean that's just one thing that seems unlikely. Other things, no doctors( how serious an injury was it? Scratches?) No report by herself, third parties doing the reporting? When she fishes for feedback he responds as you'd expect an innocent person would. Lots to investigate here.
Lol what? That sounds exactly like something a drunk would do. I can find Ed Sheeran on YouTube while I’m blind drunk lmao.
Then you aren't blind drunk. Blind drunk contains the word, blind. There's a clue. He may have been drunk, inebriated even if you want. Another thing, if I'm heavily intoxicated I can just manage to run MY electrical gadgets but how easy is it to manipulate another persons gear? A lot of us would struggle when sober but when ' blind drunk' as she has declared??

Nahh, it's not that easy. The fact that it's debatable means it must be questioned. A mans freedom is at stake here. I'd fight tooth and nail ESPECIALLY if I knew what happened was consenual and she had buyers remorse ( Haynes viewpoint here) not neccesarily mine. I wasn't there.
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Then you aren't blind drunk. Blind drunk contains the word, blind. There's a clue. He may have been drunk, inebriated even if you want. Another thing, if I'm heavily intoxicated I can just manage to run MY electrical gadgets but how easy is it to manipulate another persons gear? A lot of us would struggle when sober but when ' blind drunk' as she has declared??

Nahh, it's not that easy. The fact that it's debatable means it must be questioned. A mans freedom is at stake here. I'd fight tooth and nail ESPECIALLY if I knew what happened was consenual and she had buyers remorse ( Haynes viewpoint here) not neccesarily mine. I wasn't there.
Semantics. He should have thrown up and passed out in the cab in that case.
Hang on, I've just seen something that seems quite contradictory!! In her texts she describes Hayne as ' blind drunk' yet in her police re nactment video she claims he sat on her bed, suggested a sing a long to Ed Sheeran, takes control of her laptop, finds YouTube, finds Ed Sheeran and puts it on for accompaniment!! Not a bad effort for a guy 'blind drunk' !!!!!

Clutching at straws there with that one.
Semantics. He should have thrown up and passed out in the cab in that case.
Err, he didn't claim to be blind drunk. She is the one claiming two different things. He cannot be both capable of complex tasks and incapable of standing up. Her claim, not his.
Err, he didn't claim to be blind drunk. She is the one claiming two different things. He cannot be both capable of complex tasks and incapable of standing up. Her claim, not his.
Complex? From a guy who loves using big words. Ok.

Do you want me to teach you to use google and YouTube huge?

I kid of course mate lol. C’mon man? Complex?
Clutching at straws there with that one.
In your opinion. I believe it speaks to the veracity of her statements and an apparent willingness to bend tge truth to suit her narrative. He was either capable of complex things or not. Her bait text that he was 'blind drunk' was an attempt, supported by police to trap him into agreeing that he was 'so drunk he could have done anything' which substantially weakens his defence. Had he done so anything he said about the night in question would have been repeatedly attacked as unreliable because, guess what? Yep, he admitted he was blind drunk. Only he didn't.

You really should try to see things from all angles. Her story seems to contain contradictions and holes.
Complex? From a guy who loves using big words. Ok.

Do you want me to teach you to use google and YouTube huge?

I kid of course mate lol. C’mon man? Complex?
****. This so hard. ANY task is complex when attempted by someone blind drunk. I didn't say that the task was complex by itself. I stated it is when a person is heavily intoxicated. What makes it more difficult though is when you are using equipment that may be foreign to you.

I don't really care if you don't understand why such claims are important but I don't see a reliable and honest story from her side.
****. This so hard. ANY task is complex when attempted by someone blind drunk. I didn't say that the task was complex by itself. I stated it is when a person is heavily intoxicated. What makes it more difficult though is when you are using equipment that may be foreign to you.

I don't really care if you don't understand why such claims are important but I don't see a reliable and honest story from her side. many stories have you told to your mates that started with the phrase “so I was blind drunk” or in my case “rotten blind drunk”?

it’s colloquialism. If you have a problem with the verdict I would focus on a different argument or angle. semantics all day. I’m sure she didn’t literally mean he was blind when she used those words. many stories have you told to your mates that started with the phrase “so I was blind drunk” or in my case “rotten blind drunk”?

it’s colloquialism. If you have a problem with the verdict I would focus on a different argument or angle. semantics all day. I’m sure she didn’t literally mean he was blind when she used those words.
and I sure Huge doesn't mean he was literally blind either. I get what Huge can be difficult even in the most soberest of moments navigating around another PC set up that you're not familiar with.

For arguments sake.....lets just assume Hayne is a computer whiz and from that generation where one PC is the same as another.

The point is...her story has lots of holes in it.
I do believe that no means no (despite what you or others think) .....obviously no counts before and during....but should it count after the sex act?

...and to dangle a toe in the water,
if you're a young lady....and you go chasing after NRL players..... in general, you're painting a target on yourself. Your argument / claim has to be treated with a greater level of scrutiny, than say the same young lady, walking down the street, innocently minding her own business.
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A young girls apparent misuse of a slang phrase is irrelevant to whether or not she was sexually assaulted.
A young girl being misleading or disingenuous or lying or exaggerating is relevant. None of you see anything wrong with police encouraging her to attempt to trap Hayne. In my view he acted exactly as I'd expect from an innocent person. At that time he didn't even know police were involved but he smelled a rat. Anyway, he's appealing and just from what I've read I don't see him doing much time if any at all.
and I sure Huge doesn't mean he was literally blind either. I get what Huge can be difficult even in the most soberest of moments navigating around another PC set up that you're not familiar with.

For arguments sake.....lets just assume Hayne is a computer whiz and from that generation where one PC is the same as another.

The point is...her story has lots of holes in it.
I do believe that no means no (despite what you or others think) .....obviously no counts before and during....but should it count after the sex act?
A computer whiz lol. It’s finding Ed sheeran on YouTube? I’m giggling right now for the fact that there are people here saying it’s a complicated task. Is that seriously an argument?
...and to dangle a toe in the water,
if you're a young lady....and you go chasing after NRL players..... in general, you're painting a target on yourself. Your argument / claim has to be treated with a greater level of scrutiny, than say the same young lady, walking down the street, innocently minding her own business.
Ffs. Victim blaming has to stop!!

WHY DOES THE WOMAN NEED TO PROTECT HERSELF FROM THE MAN?? Should she not have the right to assume he’s going to respect her wishes and not physically assault her. Cmon man.

also, if I’m an NRL player I don’t like this comment either. Geezzzzze.

(sorry if you're on the other side of the argument, I’ve blocked certain misogynist’s that roam the forum so I can’t see his shite.)
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Ffs. Victim blaming has to stop!!

WHY DOES THE WOMAN NEED TO PROTECT HERSELF FROM THE MAN?? Should she not have the right to assume he’s going to respect her wishes and not physically assault her. Cmon man.

also, if I’m an NRL player I don’t like this comment either. Geezzzzze.

(sorry if you're on the other side of the argument, I’ve blocked certain misogynist’s that roam the forum so I can’t see his shite.)
I seriously am not sure what side of the argument I am on. I am genuinely conflicted.
My original post was simply, on what I have been able to read, I can see doubt.
As you correctly pointed out we haven't had all of the facts in front of us like the jury and he is appealing the decision.
As a husband and father of a daughter I can see the victims side. As the father of a son as well I would hate to see him go to jail if that is the basis of it.

I would also hope they both behave a lot differently than either of these two people
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I have never ended up with any sort of damage to a woman after being with her. I know accidents do happen but that was a **** tonne of blood