NRL Players and family members in hot water

Big Del

Big Del

NRL Captain
Apr 22, 2017
Wow, cop making up stuff...

No incident involving Mr Wighton could be seen in the footage, and Sergeant Power admitted: “What I saw didn’t line up with the footage” and conceded he had a “memory issue”.

“What I saw appears to have not happened, and my memory has failed me,” he said.

Mr Bowland accused Sergeant Power of trying to “frame” his client by “inventing” evidence.

“It wasn’t a lie. It’s what I believed happened,” Sergeant Power said and denied misleading the court.

The sergeant later apologised to Mr Wighton in front of the court.

“Sorry Jack, if that’s what happened. I thought I saw something different,” he said to Mr Wighton.

Under further questioning, Mr Bowland asked if it was a “fact you’ve given false evidence”, to which Sergeant Power said it “appeared as so”.

There was a thing called Verballing in Qld up until the Fitzgerald inquiry .
Unsigned confession was good enough evidence for a court .

Cop could type out a confession to a crime , the accused could deny it but it didn`t matter the Magistrate / Judge would come down on the side of the piggies .


QCup Player
Jun 3, 2021
There was a thing called Verballing in Qld up until the Fitzgerald inquiry .
Unsigned confession was good enough evidence for a court .

Cop could type out a confession to a crime , the accused could deny it but it didn`t matter the Magistrate / Judge would come down on the side of the piggies .
I remember the mention of getting verballed in “Getting Square”. Great Aussie crime flick set on the Gold Coast.
Mr Fourex

Mr Fourex

State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2012
There was a thing called Verballing in Qld up until the Fitzgerald inquiry .
Unsigned confession was good enough evidence for a court .

Cop could type out a confession to a crime , the accused could deny it but it didn`t matter the Magistrate / Judge would come down on the side of the piggies .

Flo had one
Joh was one

I bleed Maroon

I bleed Maroon

International Rep
Apr 17, 2013
I'm definitely no fan of either bloke, but I dearly hope they're considering their options. In other words, sue this fat lying pigs ass off. What an utter disgrace.


NRL Captain
Mar 25, 2013
Can the NRL still give them 2 weeks for bringing the game into disrepute? I mean, logically, more people were effected by this and it was a bigger story than the Haas/Kelly shoe incident which supposedly deserved 2 weeks...

I know they won't. "They've been through enough" yadda yadda. But still.
Mr Fourex

Mr Fourex

State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2012
Mr Mitchell could be heard crying in pain. The defence had told the court on Monday Mr Mitchell was “reduced to a weeping mess, fearing for his life” during the process.

"Reduced to a weeping mess......."

:rofl :rofl


State of Origin Captain
Mar 14, 2008
Injury prone + alcohol + off field incidents.

A shame because the dude could play. Was earmarked for years as the next big thing and then... yeah. He started off well, got injured and then it all kinda went to shit from there.


QCup Player
Sep 3, 2020
Injury prone + alcohol + off field incidents.

A shame because the dude could play. Was earmarked for years as the next big thing and then... yeah. He started off well, got injured and then it all kinda went to shit from there.
Shame. I remember him putting a beautiful cross field grubber for a try on his first outing.


International Rep
Mar 4, 2008
It wasnt just injuries or off field issues IMO. The way I remember him was in the same as many other young halves that came through the system here: promising as a rookie but just wasn't actually that good as an NRL standard player.

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