NRL Players and family members in hot water



State of Origin Rep
Mar 28, 2019
"Former Bronco" TC Robati has been charged with one count of sexual assault after an incident at a nightclub in Brisbane last December.

his name had been suppressed due to long standing Queensland laws prohibiting against identifying people charged with prescribed sexual offences before they’re committed to a higher court ... however, the media quickly moved to take advantage of new laws introduced on October 3, allowing those accused of those offences to be publicly named.
Who made that law change? That’s fucked! Imagine he gets found not guilty.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Who made that law change? That’s fucked! Imagine he gets found not guilty.

who else but Palachook.

people accused of sexual crimes can now be named by the media before a committal hearing has even taken place (which If i am correct is the hearing that determines if there is even enough evidence to proceed to trial) ... IIRC, the one exception to the law is if the alleged victim is a child and naming the accused could identify the child


State of Origin Rep
Mar 28, 2019
who else but Palachook.

people accused of sexual crimes can now be named by the media before a committal hearing has even taken place (which If i am correct is the hearing that determines if there is even enough evidence to proceed to trial) ... IIRC, the one exception to the law is if the alleged victim is a child and naming the accused could identify the child
That’s fucking disgraceful


International Rep
Apr 14, 2013
That’s fucking disgraceful

When the laws commence on 3 October 2023, those accused of these sexual offences will be treated the same as individuals charged with any other offence, with details about their identity able to be published, except where it would identify or tend to lead to the identification of the complainant.

Under the new laws, the defendant, their alleged victim(s) or the prosecution can apply to a Queensland court for a non-publication order.

When deciding such applications, the court must consider various matters including any submissions made or views expressed by or on behalf of the alleged victim.

Accredited media entities will have a right of appearance on any application and the court will take reasonable steps to notify them when an application is made.

The reform brings Queensland more closely into line with all other Australian jurisdictions, other than the Northern Territory and is in direct response to a recommendation from the Women’s Safety and Justice Taskforce.
Jason Simmons

Jason Simmons

NRL Captain
Apr 18, 2013
Who made that law change? That’s fucked! Imagine he gets found not guilty.
And what if hearing an alleged sex offender’s name and seeing his picture encourages other victims to come forward?

Tough one…


International Captain
Jul 28, 2016
Amone found guilty of his assault charge from last year... can't recall what his suspension was from NRL, but he was playing for the back half of the year.

Bit of egg on the face of the NRL that their no fault stand down effectively failed, as the player was charged, allowed to play and then found guilty

Big Pete

Big Pete

International Captain
Mar 12, 2008
Amone found guilty of his assault charge from last year... can't recall what his suspension was from NRL, but he was playing for the back half of the year.

Bit of egg on the face of the NRL that their no fault stand down effectively failed, as the player was charged, allowed to play and then found guilty

I'm surprised the 'you're mistaking me for another extremely fit athlete who just happens to look just like me' defence didn't work.


International Captain
Jan 25, 2013
It's sad how the Police vs Indigenous people has become such a systemic rivalry. I'm sure there have been some racist, genuinely abusive police officers, but the vast majority would be good cops doing the best they can. On the other hand, indigenous communities grow up resenting the police, to the point that even if they have done the wrong thing, they genuinely believe the only reason they get arrested or punished is because they are black.

If Mitchell was indeed the role model people are pushing him as, surely one of the main course of actions would be to try to mend this rift. Come out and apologise, accept that they were not behaving well, the police were just doing their job, and they acted poorly in response.

Instead these two are just pushing the "racist cops" angle, refusing to take responsibility for their actions, and further damaging the rift between the two parties.


State of Origin Rep
Mar 28, 2019
It's sad how the Police vs Indigenous people has become such a systemic rivalry. I'm sure there have been some racist, genuinely abusive police officers, but the vast majority would be good cops doing the best they can. On the other hand, indigenous communities grow up resenting the police, to the point that even if they have done the wrong thing, they genuinely believe the only reason they get arrested or punished is because they are black.

If Mitchell was indeed the role model people are pushing him as, surely one of the main course of actions would be to try to mend this rift. Come out and apologise, accept that they were not behaving well, the police were just doing their job, and they acted poorly in response.

Instead these two are just pushing the "racist cops" angle, refusing to take responsibility for their actions, and further damaging the rift between the two parties.
He has weak character and it’s a weak character move. There is only so long a boy can cry wolf.


International Captain
Jan 25, 2013
Also, "my shoulder, my shoulder", anyone who's seen the Ben Barba video knows how enacted these scenes can be, in the interests of pushing for the narrative of excessive force.


State of Origin Rep
Jun 30, 2020
Wow, cop making up stuff...

No incident involving Mr Wighton could be seen in the footage, and Sergeant Power admitted: “What I saw didn’t line up with the footage” and conceded he had a “memory issue”.

“What I saw appears to have not happened, and my memory has failed me,” he said.

Mr Bowland accused Sergeant Power of trying to “frame” his client by “inventing” evidence.

“It wasn’t a lie. It’s what I believed happened,” Sergeant Power said and denied misleading the court.

The sergeant later apologised to Mr Wighton in front of the court.

“Sorry Jack, if that’s what happened. I thought I saw something different,” he said to Mr Wighton.

Under further questioning, Mr Bowland asked if it was a “fact you’ve given false evidence”, to which Sergeant Power said it “appeared as so”.



State of Origin Rep
Mar 13, 2017
Fried Rice Cooking GIF by Nigel Ng (Uncle Roger)

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