NRL Players and family members in hot water

That's a load of bullshit and a massive cop out.

I know young people do a lot of idiot shit, I know I have!
But you still know when you're really crossing the line and despite having a car from the moment I got my license as a teenager, I never got behind the wheel under the influence of alcohol or my long term girlfriend at the time (Mary Joana).

Yeah well that's great...... unfortunately in the real world, not everybody is as wonderful as you and "normal" people are prone to doing idiotic things that they wish upon refection, they hadn't done.

What would you say if he put someone in the hospital or worse?
What would you say if that someone was your family?

In both instances, I'm assuming the law would dish out the appropriate punishment.

I have in no way excused Carter's behavior. My point is simple. He's young and dumb and made a mistake. That doesn't mean he is suffering from mental depression and should be receiving psychiatric evaluation, nor should it require his employer tearing up his contract. (providing this is a first offence)

....he's made a very silly error in judgement that hundreds of other young people make everyday.

There used to be an add on TV....."Drink drive and you're a bloody idiot"

I guess these days it would read "drink drive and you're a fucken scumbag criminal who should be locked away for the rest of your natural life !!"
Well he broke the law therefore he committed a crime. Made a mistake yes but it is still a crime. He is very lucky he didn't crash.
Well he broke the law therefore he committed a crime. Made a mistake yes but it is still a crime. He is very lucky he didn't crash.

Of course beads.......he'll get a lengthy suspension of his licence and pay a large monetary fine. He would also be required to sit through a course that educates those still ignorant to just how dangerous drink driving is.

Hopefully this will be a horrible experience that he remembers well and learns from it.

and yes, he should be thanking his lucky stars no-one was injured or killed. Not only for the other peoples lives he would have gravely affected, but for his own as well. He seems like a decent kid.

A least decent enough to deserve a 2nd chance at life......
Yeah well that's great...... unfortunately in the real world, not everybody is as wonderful as you and "normal" people are prone to doing idiotic things that they wish upon refection, they hadn't done.

In both instances, I'm assuming the law would dish out the appropriate punishment.

I have in no way excused Carter's behavior. My point is simple. He's young and dumb and made a mistake. That doesn't mean he is suffering from mental depression and should be receiving psychiatric evaluation, nor should it require his employer tearing up his contract. (providing this is a first offence)

....he's made a very silly error in judgement that hundreds of other young people make everyday.

There used to be an add on TV....."Drink drive and you're a bloody idiot"

I guess these days it would read "drink drive and you're a fucken scumbag criminal who should be locked away for the rest of your natural life !!"
You know where you can stick the condescending tone...

I haven't made any judgements or called for idiotic sentences, but I do take offense at someone shrugging this off to the "youth mistake" corner.

I have a feeling you don't understand what 0.193 alcohol does to you. This isn't a "normal" DUI, where alcohol may have an impact on your ability to react to a road situation. You essentially become an uncontrolled 2 ton weapon on the road and a significant danger to anyone on it.

Whether you like it or not, it's a crime punishable by jail and a minimum 6 month license suspension, as well as being forced to use a alcohol ignition interlock.
A mistake is when you've had four or five beers over a couple of hours, feel fine and think your sweet, but blow a bit over .05

.193 and driving isn't a mistake, it's an intentional decision
I have a feeling you don't understand what 0.193 alcohol does to you. This isn't a "normal" DUI, where alcohol may have an impact on your ability to react to a road situation. You essentially become an uncontrolled 2 ton weapon on the road and a significant danger to anyone on it.

I'm fully aware of what 0.193 feels like.......:wink:

I'm also aware enough to know that know alcohol impedes a person's ability to judge certain situations correctly.....

throw someone with limited life experience into the equation and the chance of the wrong decision being made increases dramatically.
A mistake is when you've had four or five beers over a couple of hours, feel fine and think your sweet, but blow a bit over .05

.193 and driving isn't a mistake, it's an intentional decision
While I generally agree with the sentiments above the last line is actually questionable. An example if you like is a guy I know who has a problem with alcohol. He doesn't see it and when in the course of any normal day he is a genuinely nice bloke. However, get on the piss with him and everything is fine and dandy until a certain critical point is reached then whammo, who are you and what did you do with my mate ! It is a true Jeckle and Hyde type deal, it totally changes his personality and especially his ability to reason logically. Argumentative and illogical, self destructive are all words that fit the new guy who has just appeared yet right up until it happened he was the same normal guy.

He's an older guy but I've met quite a few like him over the years. What they all had in common was they were young once and some realized they had a problem and became non drinkers while others went on though life rationializing that they were okay. This bloke may be one like that, when past the critical point nothing is intentional because they simply are not in charge. I know it's easy to say, just don't drink but when everyone else is young and able to drink when they want, well you know. Couple that with a big income and time on your hands.

Naturally, I totally agree that drink driving is a major crime and problem and must be harshly dealt with.
OFFICIAL STATEMENT: Gold Coast Titans Paul Carter Handed Penalties By Club For Drink Driving | Triple M NRL

“I just want to apologise to my family, friends, teammates, coaching staff, management and our supporters for letting them down and for the embarrassment I have caused.“What I did was wrong, and potentially dangerous, and that has hit home to me.
“I was moving my car from outside a restaurant to a nearby overnight secure car park. But it was a mistake getting behind the wheel in the first place, which could’ve put people’s lives in danger and for that I am deeply sorry.
“I know the Titans is a club that works very hard on its role within the community, I am very sorry if I have damaged that reputation.
“I have accepted the penalties without question.
“I made a terrible mistake that I aim to learn from and never repeat. I very much appreciate the support and advice I have received since the incident from teammates, coaches and management here at the Titans, also my family and friends.
“I hope I can repay them by learning from this mistake and moving forward as a better person.”
and then this happened ....


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That is just unbelievable!
So, did Joel Monaghan get officially punished for his photo, does anyone remember?
This is twice as bad, I reckon.
That makes me feel a lot better about going to work on Monday now.