NRL Season Recommencing

Why wouldn’t you play it in Qld or any state other than NSW? Go to WA even or wherever they have like 10 cases. Why would you put it in Sydney and make other teams fly into there when we mentioned above, they have by far the highest number of people with it anywhere in Australia?
Why wouldn’t you play it in Qld or any state other than NSW? Go to WA even or wherever they have like 10 cases. Why would you put it in Sydney and make other teams fly into there when we mentioned above, they have by far the highest number of people with it anywhere in Australia?

Play the whole fucking comp in New Zealand, just ask their PM real nice.
Cool so they used my idea*. I’ll take my consultancy cheque now thanks Peter

*I’m aware it was very basic, straightforward and would’ve been thought of already but I’m claiming it so there

Not bad but your cheque will have to be discounted as I think there will still be a top 8 and origin will be played ‘in season ‘.
Don’t know about any tests against pacific nations either.
Not bad but your cheque will have to be discounted as I think there will still be a top 8 and origin will be played ‘in season ‘.
Don’t know about any tests against pacific nations either.

guess I’ll cop the pay cut like the rest of them then
Why wouldn’t you play it in Qld or any state other than NSW? Go to WA even or wherever they have like 10 cases. Why would you put it in Sydney and make other teams fly into there when we mentioned above, they have by far the highest number of people with it anywhere in Australia?
Infrastructure is my guess. As shitty as I think it is for 13 teams to get to live at home and train in their usual facilities, and the Sydney teams to get to play at their home stadiums, it's probably the most practical solution. The NRL need to find enough fields to host 8 matches a week plus training fields and gyms and physio and whatever else for 16 teams. After one magic weekend the surface at Suncorp is pretty poor, imagine 16 teams all playing at Kougari or out in Calliope or wherever, it would get ugly. Plus they need to have the setup for broadcasting.

If we had 12 months to prepare then it might be a different story, but to get football back asap I think basing it in Sydney is probably the only feasible option.
Sydney airport isn’t accepting flights anyway at the moment
Smacks to me of a desperate organisation looking for cash. Not convinced its in the best interests of the players health to restart this way.
They will back down, they will realize they need the NRL a tonne more than the NRL needs them

problem is i doubt they do...

at the very least the NRL need them to put in a good offer for the rights to ensure the other free to air networks come to the party
so the more the gets revealed, the more it sounds like the NRL have handled the scheduled resumption the same way they handle everything else ... and that is POORLY

so we've already heard the NRL didn't consult their broadcasters (Fox and Nine) about their resumption plans.

in addition it is being reported that the NRL didn't consult either the NSW health minister or Deputy Medical Officer about resuming their competition

and on the continuous call team today (4BC), they said that 6 of the 8 people on the NRL's own committee, Project Apollo, didn't even know the date that Wayne Pearce was going announce, before the announcement


Innovations committee leader Wayne Pearce briefly floated the idea this week of scrapping all competition points earned in the first two rounds.

It was met with widespread condemnation, and Pearce subsequently said the idea had been scrapped.

But the Sydney Morning Herald reports the discussion is still being had behind closed doors.

If the competition does split into two conferences, which is still an option on the table, then club bosses are reportedly still keen to explore the idea of changing the points earned in the first two games.

“We need to have a grown-up conversation about it,” one club boss told the Herald.

“How is it fair for a team to keep points for beating a team they may not play against in their own zone or conference?

“I understand the teams who have won games and want to keep their points. But if the whole competition structure has changed, you must at least have a conversation about what was the relevance of the first two games.”

Quotes obviously from the “club boss” of one of the teams that are 0-2.