NSW is gayer than 10 gay men and The Rock is their messiah!!

I'm just interested as to when 70% of your life in a state makes you an original of that state?

If Folau left a month earlier and thus only spent 69% of his life in NSW, would that be ok?
Given a choice would they want to play for a rubbish state like NSW anyway?
Folau moved here when he was 12 IIRC. So most of his years maturing into an adult he was surrounded by mates who were Queenslanders plus he was playing his footy here too. He might have lived longer in NSW but the best years of his younger life from the sound of it were living up here. So really, I don't blame him for inevitably choosing QLD, it's where his heart is.
Playboy Bunny said:
The only reason there is more people to choose from in Qld is because abortions are illegal....

too far....??

I think not....

It would probably be too far, or even a little bit funny if your statement was actually correct.
Nashy said:
Playboy Bunny said:
The only reason there is more people to choose from in Qld is because abortions are illegal....

too far....??

I think not....

It would probably be too far, or even a little bit funny if your statement was actually correct.

Playboy Bunny JUST OWNED NSW!!!! [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1.
The Rock said:
Coxy said:
I'm just interested as to when 70% of your life in a state makes you an original of that state?

If Folau left a month earlier and thus only spent 69% of his life in NSW, would that be ok?

No Coxy, I'm just saying that they spent most of their life in NSW yet they declare themselves a Queenslander. Lame.

He moved to QLD, because of his parents, when he was 15.

15 makes you an adult, capable of choosing your place of residence, now?? eusa_think

Look, we understand you (as a NSWelshman) have nothing Shaun and somewhat agree Inglis was a MASSIVE error on NSWRL's part, however Falou is QLD. /discussion.

That said, it's weird how 60% to 70% (depending on who you talk to) of Northern Rivers (Northern NSW) claim they support QLD anyways. I guess they can't identify with Latte's, gang bangs, race riots, racial slurs, sexual assaults on minors, girlfriend glassing's and smog eusa_think
Just wanted to point out that Folau did move up here when he was 12, so thats actually 60% of his life.. Not that it matters lol
And OMG! I just found out that every year Folau stays in Brisbane the percentage of time he spent in NSW goes down! Scandal! :P
Nashy said:
Playboy Bunny said:
The only reason there is more people to choose from in Qld is because abortions are illegal....

too far....??

I think not....

It would probably be too far, or even a little bit funny if your statement was actually correct.

Isn't it illegal to have abortions in QLD?? I know you can't own rabbits...but those two things are unrelated lol
I was born in NSW and moved up here when I was 11. I am now 28. Does that make me a blue? I have been here for 60% of my life. To me if Queensland is a good enough place to live, to enjoy the lifestyle, the people, the climate and so on, then it should be good enough come origin time. I love Queensland and would never go back to shit hole Sydney.

To tell me that I don't have the right to be a Queensland is ridculous.

This is no different to Hunt calling himself and Australian, or Folau, or even Sterlo.

And just say for arguments sake, that had I been male and played RL, because I was up here by the age of 11 I would have played my first game of grade footy in Queensland, thus making me a Queensland in terms of eligibility.

How is this different for Folau and Inglis?
Playboy Bunny said:
Nashy said:
[quote="Playboy Bunny":bitmcow6]The only reason there is more people to choose from in Qld is because abortions are illegal....

too far....??

I think not....

It would probably be too far, or even a little bit funny if your statement was actually correct.

Isn't it illegal to have abortions in QLD?? I know you can't own rabbits...but those two things are unrelated lol[/quote:bitmcow6]

The only laws about abortion in QLD are that a decent reason be given. Which includes "I'm too young" "I can't afford it".

NSW Fail.
I don't think anyone can really argue about Inglis, NSW stuffed up assumed he was QLD eligible and didn't check. it has since been proven that the played a single game after the age of 16 for NSW technically making him eligible for the shit state. but since he had already played for QLD that was his permanent origin state.

as for Folau he played his frist game of football after the age of 16 in QLD making him a legitimate Queenslander.....END OF STORY
The difference with Inglis is he played his first 1st grade game for a team in NSW, so technically he SHOULD be playing for the southern fairies. But he's not, so tough shit nsw.
I've got this awesome idea. Now go with me.

Who gives a shit! NSW would have been flogged with or without Inglis.
Frankly the only reason anyone is concerned by it is that it's called State of ORIGIN. The problem is everybody has different definitions for what "origin" means.

Some can quite rightly claim it's place of birth.
Others equally correct in saying it's where you first play rugby league.
Others just as right saying it should be where you play your first senior rugby league.
Then there's some who say junior representative football or high school football should count as senior football.

And generally people will change their minds on the "eligibility" criteria that's best based on who they want/don't want available for their state.

I'm down with that.

I think anyone should be eligible to play for Queensland if they were born, lived or played football in this state and can say without flinching that NSW is gay. The exception to make the rule correct is Steve Michaels. He will always be a ****(roach) to me.
Nashy said:
The only laws about abortion in QLD are that a decent reason be given. Which includes "I'm too young" "I can't afford it".

NSW Fail.

Ahhh ok I thought it was totally illegal unless the mothers/babies life were at risk. Well there we go...

You still can't have pet rabbits....Booo [icon_lol1.
The thing is, inglis WANTS to play for QLD. I cant imagine how a footy player that wants to play for QLD but then be forced to play for NSW, would perform. If it was me, id run backwards all night.