[OFFICIAL] Anthony Milford to Broncos

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Alec, I have heard the Forest lake plaza sushi is good, but, for me I don't eat it anyway. The vietnamese in Inala Plaza (outside area stalls) is very authentic. Particular the Pho (beef noodle soup) You work around the area too Alec?

Nah, I just ate there a couple of times, and it was so bad I almost wish Milford gets a huge upgrade so he can eat better.
Forest Lake sushi across from Woolies is godly though.
dont know how reliable the rlw mole is but he seems to be leaning towards milford staying put
dont know how reliable the rlw mole is but he seems to be leaning towards milford staying put

I wouldnt listen to anything the mole says, he'll probably change his mind 6 times and say things change bro every time.
I wouldnt listen to anything the mole says, he'll probably change his mind 6 times and say things change bro every time.

Haha so true. He will swear that something's happening and when it doesn't simply says "things change bro". Yet if he manages to guess one right he Carries on for days. The guys a goose
I've been leaning towards Milford staying the whole time and especially now he'll get an upgrade. Can I get paid to make guesses?
ha ha yeah i seen him say that about a different rumor , will know not to take him serious now
Milford will stay. He can't turn down the chance to play under one of the great coaches of the modern era.
rlw Mole is a spastic who has roughly no "inside sources", 2 days ago someone asked "Who will be in the 6 for the Broncos in 2014?" he replied with "The Milf", the other day someone asked him "where is Milford going to be in 2014" he said "Canberra"... He just covers all bases and then thinks he's top shit when he's right.
Milford will stay. He can't turn down the chance to play under one of the great coaches of the modern era.

And I guarantee if he does stay, that will be his publicly-stated reason. There will be no mention of the new house that his parents were able to afford all of a sudden.
Milford will stay. He can't turn down the chance to play under one of the great coaches of the modern era.
As someone who's not a fan of Ricky's coaching I'll take that from most clubs but surely one with Hook can't talk, last time Ricky had that many rep players he made 3 consecutive grand finals :P
As someone who's not a fan of Ricky's coaching I'll take that from most clubs but surely one with Hook can't talk, last time Ricky had that many rep players he made 3 consecutive grand finals :P

How many clubs has Hook been sacked from or walked out on again?
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